Interview: Tess Pennington Gets Interviewed By The Daily Coin

Tess Pennington | Comments (0) | Reader Views (1388)

Pandemic preparedness seems to be in the forefront of the news these days. We can’t walk around the corner without talking about the fears of the Ebola virus on American soil and the fear of it spreading. As much as we wish this would go away, the issue needs to be addressed along with the real concerns that face this great nation. We need to prepare for the possibility of this deadly virus getting out and have a plan prepared for living in a post-SHTF world. Friends, we are on the precipice of a possible apocalyptic event. You can call me crazy, but this is my belief and I urge you all to be ready for it. If the virus is somehow released into the general public, it will spread relentlessly due to our advanced transportation systems.

Recently, I was asked some questions by The Daily Coin on ways to better prepare yourself and your family for the possibility of a pandemic. In the interview, we review the reality of what has happened, within the last few days, and in the four countries that have been affected by ebola. Some questions addressed are:

  1. How do we move around in the event of a disaster scenario?
  2. How will you get to your loved ones, what mode of transportation is going to be available and how will it, realistically, function if absolutely necessary to protect your family?
  3. What about fuel for your chosen mode of transportation? Storage and transporting will be key factors in your ability to to function in a way that keeps you ahead of the problems that we will all be facing if the grid goes down or a pandemic engulfs your community.
  4. If you are at work or away from home when life comes crashing down, how would you communicate with loved ones? How would you locate loved ones? We get into the storage and protection of communications devices to help you be able to speak with family, when the situation warrants.

We also discuss my recently published book,  The Preppers Blueprint and why it is a must-have for your preparedness library.

As Rory, the interviewer says, “We cover a lot of ground in a short period of time. We hope you come away with a few new ideas and helpful information for you and your family.”

Check out the interview here

Thank you again to Rory at The Daily Coin for having me on the show. I had a great time and hope you continue to do the good you are doing in the community.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Aug 4, 2014

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