Four Current Events that Prove Preppers Need to Stay Vigilant

Jeremiah Johnson | Comments (1) | Reader Views (3601)

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[Editor’s Note: Many preppers are being lulled by a sense of comfort and have stopped fortifying their homes and preparing because they think times are easier. In times of calm is precisely when we should be prepping or continuing on. The world is a very precarious place right now and we need to continue focusing our attention on the horizon and remember a disaster is always looming in the distance.]

With the election has been behind us, we must ask ourselves where do things stand right now?  The world situation isn’t improving all that much, and there are several hot spots to mention that have had some changes since last we covered them.

Four Current Events that Prove Preppers Need to Stay Vigilant

  1.  North Korea: As it would appear, Kim Jung-Un’s half-brother was just recently assassinated in Malaysia the other week.  The regime is in an uproar because they suspect U.S. backing and/or involvement.  In addition, there exists the possibility that someone will make a play to bump off Un as well.  Un has already declared that such an attempt (if discovered beforehand) will be considered an act of war.  It has already been established that North Korea is well along to development of ICBM’s (Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles) that can reach the U.S. West Coast.
  2. Iran: Far from “over,” Iran is reaching out its influence in the Persian Gulf and conducting exercises both on land and in the Straits of Hormuz, the choke-point for vast shipments of the world’s oil supply.  Iran just “gained” more than a billion and a half dollars (courtesy of Obama before he left office) that will be employed in the further development of their nuclear capabilities.
  3. China: The “reset” being conducted by President Trump and the “housecleaning” he is conducting regarding both the Washington, D.C. “Beltway” establishment and the removal of “remnants” of the Obama administration…all of these actions are displeasing to the Chinese.  The President also acknowledged Taiwan, and reaffirmed his commitment to our allies in the Far East that the U.S. will not stand by idly while Communist China vies for territory.  A “Cold War” with the Chinese is now in its formative stage as China sees the inroads the U.S. is making with Russia and with fixing the relations that Obama had ruined miserably.
  4. Ukraine: Petro Poroshenko, the Ukrainian president is trying to goad the U.S. into more of a commitment to helping Ukraine to stamp down the uprising by Eastern Ukrainians of Russian extraction who are separatists and wish to join Russia.  President Trump must deal with the backlash from four years of misery for Ukraine.  Obama directed these actions, initiated by Victoria Nuland, former State Department employee, and Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham with the U.S.-sponsored coup d’état that ousted Yanukovych and inserted Arseny Yatsenuk.  This coup led to the eventual incursion and annexation of Crimea by Russia for the purpose of preserving their Black Sea Fleet and naval base located at Sevastopol.  Obama and the Congress committed to sending military supplies, and the tensions have resurfaced between the U.S. and Russia, who backs the separatists against the U.S.-installed Kiev government of Poroshenko.

There are several other smaller flash points as well, worth mentioning but not outlining in detail.  Syria, the Senkaku Islands (dispute between China and Japan), and the illegal alien problem in Western Europe are ongoing.  In addition to all of this, the President is beset from within his administration by the likes of Reince Priebus and others who have been leaking defamatory statements to the press, as well as causing general consternation within the White House.

In past articles, here at ReadyNutrition, we have emphasized the need to keep up with the current events, and I reiterate this precept.  The winter months are good months to plan on things upcoming for the spring and summer.  Plan ahead by a couple of months at least for the activities and training that you are going to pursue.  Plan out how you are going to build that rainwater catchment system, and how you’re going to lay out that root cellar in the spring.

Knowledge is Key

Research all of your courses available in both your county extension/agricultural offices, and your local community colleges.  The knowledge is there for you and just needs to be found and taken ahold of.  This is part of preparation.  Study to show yourself approved…the workman worthy of his craft, right?

And the most important prep of all…you!  You must physically and mentally prepare your body and your mind.  Physical fitness will open doors for you that may have been closed for a while or maybe you have never walked through before.  I am amazed (and disgusted) whenever I visit a health food store and see the clientele.  The customers appear (and appearances are usually true in this regard) to be the most sickly, malnourished, and out of shape individuals I have seen anywhere.

Your exercise and proper, balanced nutrition are keys to improving yourself and being in a continuous state of readiness and preparedness.  In these winter months, don’t just acquire supplies.  Acquire a good set of weights and exercise equipment, and use them to improve yourself physically.  You have to remember that governments and countries can go “ballistic” (and I’m not even referring to ICBM’s) at any given time.  Where you are (in terms of overall readiness) is where you will be when the SHTF…you won’t have much time to make improvements.

So, keep prepping, keep planning, and keep praying that nothing happens.  It’s far better to be prepared and not to have something happen than to be caught off guard.  Keep in that good fight!  JJ out!

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Feb 23, 2017

1 thought on “Four Current Events that Prove Preppers Need to Stay Vigilant”

  1. McCain and the ChamberPot Neocon Repubs are the most troubling imo. The balance of power is currently very tight in the US Senate and McCain along with Grahmnesty, Collins, and Murkowski or Rubio can throw the balance to the Democrats depending on the issue. My main foreign policy issue is the incessant domestic drumbeat for war with Russia which many Repubs and all DemocRats seem to agree on.
    Perpetual War with a 20 Trillion Debt and even More in unfunded mandates like SS & Medicare will ruin the country. These NWO Wars have to cease for us to continue as a viable country.

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