Patriot Rising: How the Oregon Standoff Could Affect Your Freedoms

Jeremiah Johnson | Comments (8) | Reader Views (7678)

ReadyNutrition Readers, we’re about to start the New Year off right, even though it seems the year is starting off on the wrong foot.  The problem is, it wasn’t on the “right” foot last year, and the problems are becoming both more pronounced and exacerbated.  We closed the year on a good note here in the articles, and we’re going to open on a good note: think positive.  Even with all of these things happening, you’re still here and still dedicated to what brought you to this site.  Continue to plan, prepare, and interact.  An old Roman proverb: “Survive, and you succeed,” is a good phrase to keep in mind.

As of this writing, the standoff in Oregon seems to be growing, with the three sons of rancher Cliven Bundy and almost 200 supporters (many among them militiamen from other states) taking a stand on Federal property.  The Bundy sons and their allies have commandeered the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.  They are attempting to set up a control point that they intend to occupy “for years” if necessary. Ammon Bundy posted a phrase on his Facebook page, as follows:


He has implored people to help him, saying that the time is right.  Readers, his efforts are to be lauded, as well as those supporting him.  Let’s just present a few thoughts in this article, and hopefully he and his brothers will read them and keep them in mind.

  1. Remember incidents such as the Unabomber, and Eric Rudolf. The original agents on each case retired, but fresh agents were ready to take their turn in the game.  Once the government wheels have been set in motion, it is usually they who will wait you out.
  2. The objective needs to win over the public and keep the issue public. Waco, TX proved that if the government can keep the media and public opinion against those in the standoff, eventually it can create an “eclipse” of information, swoop in, and do its dirty work with the details hidden for years until its convenient to leak them out.
  3. The Mainstream Media (MSM) enables the government to keep information controlled, canned, and state-approved; the media are complicit in the government’s actions.
  4. Remember that California Cop (LAPD) and former soldier, Christopher Dorner? He went on a killing spree…and they took him out with a drone.
  5. Remember that Muslim cleric in Yemen, an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki? He was trying to form terrorist groups…and they took him out with a drone.
  6. These last two items the Bundy brothers and their supporters need to keep in mind: They are all in one place, occupying one building, and this only needs one drone.

The heinous thing pertaining to this event is that it will certainly be used as “justification for the new set of EO’s (Executive Orders) that Obama intends to roll out on us beginning possibly as early as tomorrow, 1/4/15 after his meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch.  Readers, JJ is not stating the cause of the Bundy brothers and their allies is either unjustified or unworthy; rather that they need to rethink the playbook from a more strategic perspective.

The funnel to place firearms owners and those who uphold the 2nd Amendment in categories of “extremists” or “fringe radicals” will not stop.  Certainly (as already mentioned) this episode will be used as propaganda to that end; that funneling by the government to solidify its attempt to take the guns will only continue to grow.  Knowing that, the protestors do not need to mass in one target-grouping that either a drone or a bomb can extinguish in a second.

As survivor-oriented preparation-minded citizens, it is your job to figure all of the odds before the game begins.  Please read and reread Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” on how to carry out all of your missions, because the book does not pertain only to combat.  Sun Tzu wrote, “The zenith of skill as a general is to win a battle without fighting.”

If you’re going to fight, then fight to win, and fight smart…especially when engaged with numerically and logistically superior forces.  Win the public support and you throw a damper in their plans.  Bypass the MSM with continuous broadcasts, twitters, tweets, and what have you to keep the government and the MSM from stifling the true story or twisting it.

We all face a big challenge this year: staying focused on the business of preparing at hand, while the forces around us move at an incrementally slow speed.  It takes those two things that I mentioned last year: resolve and patience.  Regarding these things mentioned here, have the resolve to stand up and face the challenges, on a daily basis…for the “long haul” and the patience to choose your own ground of battle, your own arena of struggle.

May this New Year bring you success in all you do as individuals and with your families.  Keep up the good fight, and remember to not just fight hard…but fight smart!  We love hearing from you.  May God bless you and your families.  JJ out!

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jan 3, 2016

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8 thoughts on “Patriot Rising: How the Oregon Standoff Could Affect Your Freedoms”

  1. They shouldn’t fight the cops but the corrupt politicians. Instead of being a single target they could have broken up into 200 Chris Dohners. The media will not show their side, during the weeklong Cecil the lion coverage by lamestream, the minor local story in San Fran was of a Hispanic caught on video tossing the body of 8yo white girl Maddy Madison into a dumpster after he raped her to death.

    1. What a SICK individual he was. I certainly hope they caught him and he gets the death penalty for what he did to this poor child, shame on him. GOD will deal with these people and their end won’t even serve them justice, but hell is where they will ALL go. That is so disgusting…

  2. Other armed patriots around America should relocate to this area of Oregon. There they can create fireteams that can organize in a minutes time, therefore when it goes down we can act as a right hook to the federal communists.

  3. You have a very valid point, Jeremiah .. mentioning Sun Tzu’s book “Art of War” is your highlight of the whole article.
    “The zenith of skill as a general is to win a battle without fighting.” Now, that was one of the ancient Chinese warrior/philosopher’s best guidelines – along with “Know your Enemy as well as Yourself; and, although you may fight 100 battles, you will be victorious”.
    Indeed, those supporting the Hammonds in their struggle against the Outlaw BLM need to get a hold of a copy of Sun Tzu’s book and study it carefully. Why? All leaders – military and political alike – who studied this book wound up victorious in their endeavors .. and those who did not suffered humiliation and defeat. This is what the Bundy sons need to do .. somehow obtain this extremely valuable book and study it carefully, in order to defeat the Feds without having to fire a shot.

  4. This isn’t the fight that we should be in right now. The real fight is coming. We must wait and build our strength and organization. Right now the people aren’t on their side, but a time is fast approaching when that will change. Like maybe when obama refuses to leave office or decides to run for a third term. Or when he attempts to take our firearms. In that event, the people will be on the right side and the government won’t be able to resupply with either manpower or supplies! And that time is fast approaching!

    1. As I understand it, the majority of the people in that area work for the government and BLM – not a good thing. The locals already bow to their masters.

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