Staying Accountable in 2013

Tess Pennington | Comments (3) | Reader Views (1954)

In a year’s time we have 12 months, 52 weeks,  365 days, or 525,949 minutes to accomplish our goals and aspire to be better individuals. As another year has passed I once again am surprised at how fast the year passed me by.

For the past few weeks I have been lost in unsequestered contemplation in an attempt to organize my thoughts, my aspirations, how far I want to challenge myself for the coming year and the frustrations of unmet 2012 goals. In all honesty, as of late I’ve been failing miserably at the balancing act. It’s hard making sure everyone has their needs met, especially when I haven’t met my own. I have a very bad habit of putting my own needs on hold (I know all the moms out there know what I’m talking about). Now that 2013 has emerged, I am ready to start making sure I take better care of myself, my spirit and learning what I need to in order to grow. This year is going to be amazing and I’m planning on taking you along on the journey.

My overall goal for 2013 is to make lots and lots of mistakes. That’s right, mistakes. As Neil Gaiman once said,

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world.

You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.

Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.

Goals for 2013

The Ranch

(Work at least 30 minutes every day on the Ranch)

When we first moved to our property 6 months ago, I was so excited and had so many plans. One of my readers warned me that my to-do list would grow quickly. How right she was! As the winter rains hit the Pacific coast, I was not able to finish the work I planned (To give myself a little credit, I was writing a book and finishing 52-Weeks to Preparedness). I realized that certain work outside cannot be put off and I need to stay focused on accomplishing these tasks.

My goal is to do something outside everyday for at least 30 minutes. This is totally achievable! I am playing around with an online calendar to help me stay on task and for all of you to see what it takes to get this property in working order.

The Home

(Make the home more efficient by organizing and de-cluttering)

Since we moved, I haven’t gotten the house in order. Typically, I like to keep things orderly, but my life has been very chaotic and my home is beginning to reflect it. It’s time to clean it up!

  • Organize and inventory food storage area
  • Organize pantries and cabinets
  • Hang pictures up
  • Have kids clean and do chores weekly

Personal Development and Skills 

(1 skill a month)

All of you know what an advocate I am for learning new skills. Even though I have learned so much about preparedness and homesteading, there is sill much more to learn. I have put off learning some skills out of complacency and some were put off out of fear. In all honesty, I have a big fear of failure. I want to excel at everything I try and this is something that holds me back. But as the quote above says, I have to do it – I have to try. Some skills I want to master this year are:

  • Soap making from scratch
  • Emergency response medical training
  • Self defense/Firearm certification
  • Fermenting foods
  • Cheese/Yogurt making
  • Master Gardener certification
  • Find more eco-friendly practices around the house and the Ranch (using soap nuts in laundry, water conservation, natural cleaners)

Website Developement and Challenges

(Have website changes up by March 1, 2013)

I have some great changes planned for Ready Nutrition. In the near future, the look of the site is going to change. It will be more maneuverable and user-friendly. I also plan on having some website challenges and begin a new web-series so we can push ourselves to be better preppers and homesteaders. Stay tuned because these are coming around the corner!


(Make a better effort to better my spirit)

Above all, my spirit is longing to grow and to be challenged. I am a big proponent of prayer. Prayer and quiet meditation helps to ground me and ultimately puts me in touch with my higher power. I still have not found a church in the area we moved to and trying to pursue my own spiritual growth isn’t really working out. I feel like I can do more and will. I plan on:

  • Find a church to go to regularly
  • Read 6 spiritual related books
  • Devote time each day for prayer and meditation

It is my hope that you will be encouraged to push yourself and grow just as much as I am going to try to from my end. I’d love to hear some of your 2013 resolutions – we can succeed together! I am ready to hold myself accountable for what I want to accomplish in the next 12 months – and this year, I will succeed in doing it. 2013 will be a great year for all of us!

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jan 1, 2013

3 thoughts on “Staying Accountable in 2013”

  1. Thank you. I really enjoyed your post. I especially appreciated the make mistakes section. I too think everything I do should be perfect. Many times it scares me from even attempting something and other times the first failure makes me give up with great frustration.

    It has been a long time since I had to search for a new church, but it was a difficult endeavor. It has to be the one that fits and is right. It can become discouraging. Back then I even stopped looking for awhile as I was getting down about it. And I did not do a good job of my spiritual growth without the encouragement of church leadership and groups.  Hang in there. You will find the one. I finally did and have been there about 14 years.

    Have a blessed New Year!


  2. There is no doubt in my mind you will succeed with each and every one of these goals.  And good for you for making yourself accountable by putting them out there!

    Happy New Year! 

  3. I just stumbled onto your site and have been enjoying all of your posts. I feel like I can really relate to you and your goals.
    Thank  you for alll of the info you provide.
    I love my church, it encourages personal prayer and seeking personal revelation. We area encouraged to gain as much knowledge as we can and to always be prepared and self reliant.
    I am excited to look into your website for more information! Thanks for all you do!

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