The Top 50 Non-Food Stockpile Necessities

Daisy Luther | Comments (10) | Reader Views (12519)

Be honest. When you think about a stockpile, the first thing that comes to mind is food, right?

Preppers are well-known for having a stash of long-term food to sustain them through anything from a winter storm that leaves them stranded for a week to the end of the world, but there’s a lot more to a good stockpile than edible items.  Think about the things you use on a regular basis that you purchase from the store. Personal hygiene items, school supplies, cleaning supplies – the list goes on and on of consumable goods that you use without really thinking about it.

Ever since my kids were little, I’ve always kept a stockpile of these types of goods. And there have been occasions in my life that I was very grateful to have them on hand. When I was unemployed for a few months, I didn’t have to run to the store to get day-to-day items, nor did I have to do without. I was able to simply go shopping in the pantry and meet my family’s needs. Because of this, we survived a stressful situation without the added stress of not having the things we needed to live comfortably.

How to get a good deal on non-food stockpile items

Shopping for non-food stockpile items is much like shopping for your grocery stockpile. It’s essential that you get the best deal you can. If the deal is really epic, sometimes I stock up on brands that we don’t really use so that I have some items on hand for a friend who may have fallen on hard times. A gift of health-and-beauty supplies would be very welcome to someone who has lost a job or otherwise fallen on hard times.

  • Watch the flyers. Sometimes these types of items are loss-leaders, which means the store will be selling them at a loss in the hope that you’ll buy some of their more overpriced merchandise.
  • Buy in bulk. Sometimes you can get a good deal by purchasing items in quantity. Places like Costco, Amazon, and Winco often sell non-food supplies in packs of 3, 6, or 24.  Be sure to do the math and confirm that you’re really saving money, though. Sometimes they can be tricky.
  • Hit the dollar store or clearance store.  I get lots of great stuff at our local Grocery Outlet, part of a chain. They sell lots more than groceries and often have organic brands of health and beauty aids for a fraction of the price that the boutique stores charge. The dollar store can also be a good source for certain items. Take care not to get something of terrible quality that won’t really work, though.
  • Clip coupons. If you’re a coupon-er, good deals can often be found on high quality, name brand items.

Add these items to your non-food stockpile

Your expanded stockpile will save you time, money, and stress. When you have a well-provisioned home, you can meet most situations with aplomb. Scenarios that would have other people scrambling to provide the basic necessities for their family will hardly register as a blip on your radar.

You can click the links to find reasonably priced options for some items.

  1. Soap (At the time of publication this was less than 50 cents per bar)
  2. Laundry products (or the ingredients to make your own)
  3. Shampoo and Conditioner
  4. Disposable razors
  5. Band-Aids
  6. First Aid supplies
  7. Calamine lotion
  8. Dish soap
  9. Feminine hygiene items
  10. Toilet paper
  11. Paper towels
  12. Baby wipes (even if you don’t have a baby!)
  13. Shower gel
  14. Cosmetics if you use them
  15. Coconut oil (This is SO multipurpose!)
  16. Peroxide (The dollar store and Wal-Mart usually have the best prices for this.)
  17. Rubbing alcohol (The dollar store and Wal-Mart usually have the best prices for this, too.)
  18. Hand sanitizer
  19. Bleach
  20. White vinegar
  21. Cleaning supplies
  22. Garbage bags
  23. Kitty litter (for emergency sanitation)
  24. Pet food
  25. Flea and tick medication for pets
  26. Essential oils
  27. Lotion and moisturizer
  28. Sunscreen
  29. Extra filters and parts for your water filtration device
  30. Spare parts for important equipment like canners or tools
  31. Matches
  32. Lighters (These were 33 cents apiece at the time of publication)
  33. Long-burning candles
  34. Batteries (This is a great deal)
  35. Stationary/school/office supplies
  36. Lip balm
  37. Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  38. Sewing/mending supplies
  39. Hair elastics (ask any female with long hair how necessary these are! In a pinch, I’ve been known to use a zip-tie to keep my hair back)
  40. Over-the-counter remedies for common ailments like heartburn, nausea, congestion, coughing, and pain relief
  41. Insect repellant
  42. Deodorant (We usually use homemade or an expensive natural brand, but I still keep this on hand.)
  43. Duct tape
  44. Paper plates and disposable cutlery (in the event of a water shortage)
  45. Tin foil (good for more than hats)
  46. Ziplock bags in a variety of sizes
  47. Cotton balls and cotton swabs
  48. Hardware like nails and screws for emergency repairs
  49. Vitamins
  50. Ammo…duh!!!

What non-food items do you store?

Do you also have a stockpile of non-food items? What do you keep on hand? Share in the comments section below.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Nov 12, 2015

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10 thoughts on “The Top 50 Non-Food Stockpile Necessities”

  1. Ladies, better than stocking up on disposable feminine products invest in a menstrual cup and a spare and you’re set for ten years or more. Other sustainable options include sea sponges and cloth pads. Cloth wipes are also a great reusable replacement for toilet paper that well last for years.

    1. Disposable feminine products such as sanitary pads/napkins double also as dressings for wounds. On the other hand, something I rarely if ever see on any lists are cloth diapers for babies as well as ointments for sore/diaper-rash on baby bottoms, be it self-made or OTC.

  2. Charlie Baldridge

    Solar powered radio,with hand crank also, solar powered recharge unit for batteries,Wicks, you can make an oil burning light with a tin can and oil and wicks. I use wicks as they are braided to burn slow. In your tools you should have a pair of tin snips, and I have a full set of cast iron pots, skillets etc better for cooking over open fire and a full set of camping cookware including the most important coffee pot.. Don’t forget a manual can opener. We were without power for two weeks after hurricane Ike, our kitchen is electric, with our supplies I was able to cook outside, we had the radio for news and entertainment.

  3. Some form of sun screen; Heavy string or cord- 50#- fishing etc; Rope; fish hooks and weights, many; Heavy work gloves; Hydrogen Peroxide; Bleach & Vinegar; Repellant; bug treatment; Treatment for poison plants; hatchet; larger hammer; double bladed axe; caps, hats.

  4. Sorry, I forgot- Add God. He waits for those who have nothing left to ask him to provide. Remember, it may well be that “the end ” may be God cleansing or punishing. You can’t survive against Him. “… and after all these things, they refused to give thanks….” Bible.

  5. Henry Plantagenet

    Cloth diapers, Birth control, Scrubbing pads (stainless steel) for cast iron cookware. Nail clippers, hair cutting scissors. Books on Medicinal herbs and weeds. Books on edible plants and weeds. Bibles, for personal use and barter, good literature on children’s level to teach them critical thinking. Plenty of paper and pencils and any old school books you can find to keep children occupied and continue their education. People use to teach children to read from the Bible. Old games and playing cards for adults and children. Musical instruments. Seed, not just for people gardens. Growing food items for animal feed will be necessary if you can grow chickens, rabbits and goats. Hand sanitizer to save on water. Old sheets and tee shirts for when the toilet paper and sanitary napkins are used up. Yes, they will have to be washed so plan on extra detergent. Plenty of oil, peanuts are one of the few plants we grow suitable for producing oil unless you are lucky enough to be able to keep pigs or a milk cow. Someone in the neighborhood needs to keep a bull, preferably who knows how to handle animals, dairy bulls are very aggressive! Pecans and walnuts are too valuable to turn into oil unless you have large quantities. Salt! un-iodized salt is available from farm and feed stores (cheap, $8-10 for 50#) for preserving meat from the freezer if you have any when/if we loose power and if you have animals to slaughter (and making cheese), About 40# are needed for a large animal. Another book on building a smoke house and preserving meat. Saving any meat you have will be helpful, wild game will be hunted out in a short time. Books on veterinary medicine as well as human. Their are a lot of online sources of common weeds and how to use them for common health problems. Not my idea, but a former military person suggested having all hand guns, rifles, etc. not just the same caliber, but the same gun to use for interchangable parts. Coordinate weapons with neighbors and family. Prepping to thrive, not just survive(Daisy Luther)

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