This Disaster Kills More Americans Than Natural Disasters Combined

Tess Pennington | Comments (0) | Reader Views (7342)

As parents, we do everything we can to keep our children safe. We make sure they have safety helmets when riding their bikes, we ensure they are buckled up in the car. But have we done everything we can to make sure our homes are safe from fires? Each year, fires kill more American than all natural disasters combined and not enough is being said about the subject.

Given the fast acting nature of emergencies, you may only have a matter of minutes to gather the necessary items for survival and flee from danger. Creating a home escape plan and actively practicing it with family members could very well save your life.

The following infograph provides statistics, tips on how to prevent fires from occurring in the home and most importantly, how to make a family escape plan.



This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Oct 6, 2015

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