Natural Flu Medicines From Around the Web

Tess Pennington | Comments (0) | Reader Views (8199)

 Nature provides us all that we need to live and thrive.  Two generations ago, people did not have Tylenol and Ny-Quil and Sudafed to get them through when they were ailing.  Our ancestors had knowledge on medicinal herbs, and had proven tonics that alleviated symptoms and cured their illnesses.  As with many forms of generational knowledge, things are forgotten.  But, the time may come when we will need to know what our ancestors knew long before us.

Nature has provided us many natural cures and natural antibiotics.  Having knowledge of natural remedies is imperative to our overall health.  Making natural remedies such as cough syrup and lozenges are not difficult in the least.  All that is required is a knowledge base on what the ingredients are and how they effect our bodies.

If you find any recipes that may be of use, print it and store it in your G.O.O.D Manuals.  There are certain ingredients that are constants in many natural medicinal concoctions.  Adding herbs into the recipes below only enhances their healing power.  In fact, if you combined them all and made a large quantity of cough syrup, this would last a few months.  Some of these powerful medicinal enhancers are:

  • Lemon – This fruit has a high Vitamin C content as well as breaks down phlegm.
  • Honey –  Honey has well-established antioxidants and antimicrobial effects, which could explain its contributions to wound healing. Honey also soothes on contact, which may help explain its effect on cough.
  • Vinegar – Vinegar assists as a cough suppressant, aids in respiratory and sinus congestion, as well as alleviates sore throat. Many natural cough syrups have apple cider vinegar as an ingredient.
  • Garlic or Onion – Encased in these smelly herbs are natural antibiotics that assist in breaking down phlegm to have improved  lung health.
  • Whiskey, Bourbon or Brandy – These alcohols can assist as a sleeping aide and pain reducer.  Note: only a capfull is needed.
  • Ginger – In Chinese culture, ginger is considered the best home remedy for colds due to it’s antiviral compounds and assists in aiding digestion and alleviates symptoms of head colds.
  • Cayenne Pepper- This spice assists in circulation and inflammation.
  • Sage – This herb restores the appetite and treats head colds and symptoms related to head colds.
  • Thyme – This helps revive exhaustion and helps fight infection.

Cough Syrup Base

  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar
  • 1 c. boiling water
  • Lemon juice

Pour hot water over honey and vinegar in a cup.  The taste is not so good, but it is effective. As well, this will also soothe sore throats. You can add chopped fresh sage for that achy feeling, grated fresh ginger to help increase circulation, or a spoonful of chopped fresh thyme to fight infection. Cool the mixture. Take a 1/2 tblsp. three times a day.


Garlic Cough Syrup

  • 1 quart jar
  • 3-4  garlic bulbs, minced or use a fine grater
  • honey

Mince the garlic and place in a jar. Cover the minced garlic with honey and set it aside in the refrigerator for 14 days.  Once the mixture has fermented you can add lemon juice (for added vitamin c), and take by the spoonful as needed.  This alleviates symptoms from the flu, strep throat, sore throats, and coughs.  Any unused portion of this syrup can be used for marinades or sauces.


Onion Cough Syrup

  • 1 medium onion sliced
  • honey

Slice the onion and set on a plate.  Pour honey over the onion slices and allow to sit 5-6 hours covered.  Drain off the syrup and use 1 tsp. every time you or your child coughs.


Garlic Tea

  •  2 pieces of garlic
  • 2 quarts of water
  • chamomile tea bag or other herbal tea bag
  • Honey

add garlic to two quarts of water and boil the mixture.

When water is piping hot, remove from the stove and pour into a tea cup with your favorite herbal tea bag.  Allow the teabag to steep for 10-12 minutes.  Add honey to thicken the mixture and drink slowly.


Honey Tonic for Cough

  • 1 tblsp. honey
  • glass of hot water
  • slice of lemon

Stir in honey int othe hot water and add a few splashes of water.  This combination has healing properties as well as quiets the tickle associated with coughs.


This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Oct 28, 2009

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