Prepare For the Worst – Mandatory Evacuations Planned for Louisianna, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida

Tess Pennington | Comments (5) | Reader Views (6295)


BP, the government and the people of this nation have run out of time.  The media blackouts cannot erase the proof of oil tides and dead carcasses washing up on the coast of the Southern Gulf States.  Many are beginning to call this a modern day “Black Death.”  There is no quick fix for this diabolical mess and no amount of money can be thrown at the problem to wish it away.  Let’s examine what we do know: the waters are toxic, the air is toxic, the rains are toxic, and soon the water sources will become toxic (We will not even go into the speculation that the methane in the water could cause an exponential explosion, thus creating a tsunami).

According to an article, emergency planners are dealing with a prospective “dead zone” within a 200 mile radius from the Deepwater Horizon disaster datum in the Gulf.  Therefore, mass mandatory evacuations are being planned by government agencies. 

The article indicates that government insiders are suggesting that “plans are being put in place for the mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Hammond, Houma, Belle Chase, Chalmette, Slidell, Biloxi, Gulfport, Pensacola, Hattiesburg, Mobile, Bay Minette, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, Crestview, and Pascagoula … The toxic rain from the Gulf is expected to poison fresh water reservoirs and lakes, streams, and rivers, which will also have a disastrous impact on agriculture and livestock, as well as drinking water, in the affected region.” 

The mass exodus and relocation of millions of families will happen.  It’s just a matter of when and where these displaced citizens will go.  

Wake Up and Be Prepared to Evacuate

Evacuating a Community –  With the threat of thousands of communities being displaced, there will be widespread chaos.  If a mandatory evacuation is announced, the faster a person begins traveling to their destination the better chance of dodging traffic and any unnecessary stressful situations.  If a person can evacuate before a mandatory evacuation has been announced, the better off they will be.  

To expedite the process of preparing for a mandatory evacuation: 

  • A well defined preparedness planwith maps and alternative routes in place.  Do not leave unless there is a plan in place.  Additionally, prepare multiple plans if the initial plan does not work.
  • Purchase maps to use during the course of the journey.
  • A 72 hour bag that is ready to go for the family as well as a bag for any pets.
  • Collect any family heirlooms or memorabilia.  There may be a chance you will not see your home for a while.
  • Have a small supply of food and water (at least 3-5 days worth).
  • Leave as soon as possible.  Do not wait until they have opened up the contraflow lanes to evacuate.
  • Have some money set aside for an emergency.  Prepare for some ATM machines and banks to be closed. 
  • Make sure the Bug Out Vehicle (BOV) is well maintained.  Having the proper items to keep it going can be of great value in a disaster situation.  Items such as an oil, extra tire, fix-a-flat, collapsible shovel, etc.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jul 1, 2010

5 thoughts on “Prepare For the Worst – Mandatory Evacuations Planned for Louisianna, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida”

  1. Here is hoping a larger percentage of the Gulf Coast population are a little more prepared to evacuate based upon the Katrina experience but I suspect not.

  2. New Orleans gets it water from the Mississippi river which is still running north to south with great force.

  3. I wonder how many people can be ready to evacuate and leave every thing that they own behind. There are many poor people living on the Gulf and have a difficult time making it on a day to day basis let alone leave and afford to stay somewhere for how long ?where do you go ? if everyone is leaving also. I don’t think that this will go away quickly and then what do you do ? I can’t help but feel that BP will go bankrupt before this is over and then every one is screwed and the government isn’t going to help. After Katrina the damage was done and you could pick up the pieces and get on with your life, here everything will be toxi and the oil nazis won’t let you back.

  4. I guess I’m an idiot, but why would an oil spill 50 miles off the coase of LA effect our water supply, and why would I want to evacuate if I have my own personal well. I live 60 miles in land in MS and I’m staying put!!!

  5. It has been over two years since this was published and the catastrophe has not happened. The Deepwater Horizon spill has been sealed and cleanup is ongoing. Will there be a follow-up article to this one describing what didn’t happen according to the forecast? Please be careful of predicting the future in detail.

    I love your blog, read it regularly, and make application from some of your advice. Keep up the good work.   

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