Week 48 of 52: Essential Tools (List 4)

Tess Pennington | Comments (0) | Reader Views (14444)

Throughout the course of this preparedness series I have suggested different lists of tools in which you should consider investing. We have touched on the basic tools you should have to be ready for emergencies, discussed top survival tools, and emphasized the importance of tools to build, repair and maintain our homes and gardens in the face of damage or breakdown. Some of you may ask why such rudimentary tools are placed at such high importance during emergencies? Well my friends, quite simply you cannot place a timeline on how long emergencies last and these tools will be a lifeline for you in a reality where electricity and fuel may not be as available as it is today. Tools will help you build, re-build and fortify your homes or property.

It is important to have a diversified collection of tools, because, after all, you never know when you will need one and how long you will dependent on them. For example, my husband purchased a socket set one day at the hardware store. In all honesty, I thought it to be a useless set that he would not get a lot of use out of. To my disbelief I realized how wrong I was and how many uses there are for the socket set. If you are changing wheels or fastening washers and nuts, then you will be using a socket wrench. I stood corrected.

We can never have enough tools in our possession. During the reconstruction phase from the earthquake in Haiti, relief workers who responded to the disaster were asked to bring their own tools in order to rebuild parts of Haiti. The article was eye opening in that those simple tools that are in every one of our tool kits were used to build emergency shelters, sanitation facilities, temporary medical centers and even churches.

The bottom line is that its better to have and not need, then to need and not have! Investing in quality tools could assist in rebuilding your homes and lives more quickly and efficiently. Take the following items into consideration, but do not limit yourselves to what is on the list. Remember that these lists should serve as suggestions and it is up to you to create a personalized preparedness supply that you and your family can rely on.

Preps to Buy:

  • Welding torch and fuel
  • Clamps
  • Sledge hammer
  • Crowbar
  • Files
  • Bolt cutters
  • Sledge Hammer
  • Crowbar
  • Machete
  • Ratchet set
  • Chainsaw (gas or electric)
  • Circle drawing compass
  • Tin snips
  • Chisels (Cold chisel and wood chisel)
  • Wire stripper
  • Side cutter pliers
  • Wood plane
  • Stapler with assorted size staples
  • Stud finder
  • Fish netting
  • Duct tape
  • String/Twine
  • Rebar Tie Wire
  • Measuring tape or ruler
  • An assortment of nails, bolts, nuts, washers and screws

Action Items:

  1.  Rather than purchasing two of the same tools, consider investing in spare parts for the tools such as extra blades, sharpening tools and lubricants such as WD-40 or Vaseline.
  2. Ensure the tools you purchase are of good quality.
  3. Be mindful of your dependence on the grid and find ways to offset it.
  4. Purchase resources that may help you learn skills like building structures, masonry, installing wells or creating shelters that may be needed in a long-term disaster. (For example, an outdoor solar shower would do wonders for morale during a long-term emergency.)

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jul 30, 2012

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