Week 22 of 52: Hardware Tools (List 2)

Tess Pennington | Comments (1) | Reader Views (16292)

Keeping essential tools in your preparedness supplies will help you operate in a non-technological environment. As we are moving into preparing for longer-term disasters, we have to think about what our life will be like during an extended disaster. Generally speaking, those that go through disasters typically are without power for a given amount of time. So the cooking, laundry, sanitation and a host of other daily activities will have to be done without the convenience of electricity. We will also need tools to build, repair and maintain our homes and gardens in the face of damage or breakdown. Keeping traditional tools on hand can help in this department.

Tools would make great bartering items and are one of the top ten items needed to create a survival homestead. During times of grid-down disasters, tools can be used to help chop firewood, build a shelter and provide a host of other important duties. The tools you invest in should be of the “traditional sense”, and of good quality. A word of advice is that if you buy cheap tools, you will get what you paid for. In the end, you will end up paying more for another tool because the cheap tool was not well constructed. If you have a good eye for quality tools, look at yard sales in your area, or you can find good tools at your hardware stores or local home and garden centers. Some preppers who are looking for Amish crafted tools can look at websites such as Lehman’s, or Cottage Craftworks to find what they need.

There are a lot of tools that will be needed for a survival retreat and we will continue to add to our existing tool supply. Right now, we are focusing on starting simple and building our skills, and confidence. Click here to view the basic tool kit one would need for their retreat. Many of you will already have some of these tools in your tool kit, so take this time to purchase some extra blades or parts for your tool set. Keep the prepper’s rule of multiples in mind when making these tool investments: “Two is one, and one is none.” Instead of purchasing two tools, consider investing in spare parts for the tools such as extra blades, sharpening tools and lubricants such as WD-40 or Vaseline to keep these solid investment items up to par.

We will all have to make certain sacrifices during a grid-down scenario. The best way to understand what those sacrifices will be is to give them up periodically. Take a weekend or even one day and practice a grid-down situation to experience what your life would be like during those times. This exercise will help you understand how dependent you may be to certain conveniences and being without them can help you find ways around them. Further, get acquainted with your tool investment and practice using, cleaning and sharpening these tools.

The following tools can add convenience to your life, but are not the only tools you should have on hand. In the coming weeks, we will revisit this topic and add to our already existing tool supplies. Click here to learn more about the basic retreat tool set.

Preps To Buy:

  • Work gloves for all members of the family
  • Protective eye wear for all members of the family
  • Paracord Rope
  • Hammers (a claw hammer for hitting nails, and a ball peen hammer used for striking metal)
  • Saws (Hand saws and hack saws with extra blades)
  • Screwdrivers (4-in-1 screwdrivers, Phillips, Robertsen)
  • Wrench sets (Allen wrenches, pipe wrenches, combination wrenches)
  • Adjustable wrench set
  • Ax with a sharpening device
  • Wedge to help in cutting firewood
  • Pliers (an assortment of sizes)
  • Socket set
  • Vise grips
  • Squares (roofing squares and framing squares)
  • Levels (short square and a 4-foot level)
  • Bit and brace
  • Measuring tape

Action Items:

1. If you are not handy with tools, purchase a how-to guide and begin practicing this essential skill. Remember, you only have to be 10% smarter than the tool to get it to work.

2. Simulate a grid-down scenario in your home and practice what life will be like without the modern conveniences we are dependent on today.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Sep 30, 2011

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1 thought on “Week 22 of 52: Hardware Tools (List 2)”

  1. Thanks for another great article.  I’m enjoying the whole 52 Weeks to Preparedness series.  Just a quick heads-up:  WD-40 is not much of a lubricant, it’s Water Displacement (the 40th forumulation iirc) and was designed to reduce corrosion.  http://wd-40.com/faqs/
    There are a lot of kinds of lubricants out there, but a good start would be a grease gun with a few cartridges of various greases, motor oil like 10W30 and a squirt can or two, and 3-in-1.  

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