These Everyday Items Can Quickly Become Improvised Self-Defense Weapons
- The baseball bat. For playing baseball, of course. Throw a couple of gloves and a ball in a plastic grocery bag for that time you run into your buddies for a friendly game of ball. And while you’re waiting…when a couple of hoodlums with knives come “sauntering” up to you, it might be a good idea to have that baseball bat handy. My personal choice is a T-ball bat, made of aluminum, and it works. Read more on this topic here. Once again, you have to train with it, but I guarantee you’ll be just fine with some practice. Do they want you with knives? I assure you, the bat will deter them…one way or another.
- The cane. What a pleasant walking accouterment! Something to lean on, and help you brace yourself as you walk uphill. Oh, and remember those hoodlums we discussed in “number 1” here? Once more, the proper training and practice will have you serving those knives up to them ala carte. I prefer the ones made from aluminum to the wooden ones, although wood will work. These are just pure canes, now, not “sword” canes or other specially-outfitted devices.
- The umbrella. This one is a little riskier, for the sole reason that it must be sturdy. They make them, but you’ll have to do some searching for the really strong ones. As a striking or a stabbing weapon, you’ll have something to work with. If you wish to do some special work on them, just use your imagination.
- Walking stick. Different from a cane, due to the length. This one (unless you’re in New York City where nothing is considered weird) you may have to be in a different setting to employ. Nevertheless, that walking stick is really a staff, and there’s where real training will come in handy. Get a good one that is sturdy and somewhat ornate/art-decorated. This last feature will give you more of a cover, as unless you’re auditioning for a “shepherd” position or the lead role of “Moses” in the “Ten Commandments” remake, it’ll be hard to pass off your “staff” in an urban setting.
- The crowbar. This one will have to stay in the vehicle. Be smart: make sure it’s not the only tool in the back seat. Always think ahead in that regard. If you’re in the trades, it’ll be a little simpler for you.
With all of these examples, the crowbar and the baseball bat are the ones you’ll have to leave in the car. The rest you can carry with you with relative impunity, with the Walking Stick being the only one that may arouse attention in an urban or suburban setting. Your objective is not to be a Ninja: it is to be a camouflaged citizen not looking for any trouble. These suggested weapons are to allow you to have a “distance” weapon: a tool to be able to deal with someone who wishes to hurt you.
In the following video, pay attention to the strike zones and areas on the body that will inflict the most damage to your attacker. Accurately striking in the right areas on the body will drop your attacker and give you time to distance yourself.
Additional Reading Material:
Hard Core Chicks: Eight Self Defense Tactics Every Women Should Know
Disarmed? How to Create DIY Self-Defense Tools With Items in Your Home
Fight Like Jason Bourne: 7 Key Points to Surviving a Serious Fight
6 Non-Lethal Weapons to Carry Instead of a Gun
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Add to those a few more: 6. An ice pick, 7. a screw driver, 8. a medium sized garden shovel w one edge filed sharp 9. a hammer 10. decent sized crescent wrench 11. large socket wrench handle. U get the idea….
Wow! Without this article, I’d NEVER have thought of making a weapon of a ball bat, cane, walking stick (really just a cane), umbrella, or especially a crowbar! Thanks! I always just figure I’ll hit someone with a foam pool noodle or maybe I’d flog them with a pussy willow!
get a Kevlar cane.Stronger than steel,and lightweight.great cane,and great defensive option that can go anywhere.