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Food Storage Demystified

Food Storage Demystified

Storing food for long-term emergencies is not without it’s challenges. Many preppers who are beginning this task want to ensure they are packaging foods correctly. I can honestly say, the more you do it, the easier it gets. At first, it can be intimidating, but...

Rat Proof Your Food Storage Pantry in 5 Easy Steps

Rodents are the worst! They eat our food, carry diseases and are a nuisance in the prepper world. In a disaster situation where have to rely on your stored food supply, we want our food pantry and supply to be free of insects and pests. Take a few proactive steps in...
Week 19 of 52: Food Storage Tools

Week 19 of 52: Food Storage Tools

When emergencies last longer than originally intended, your basic needs such as food and water become the highest priority. Food and water security is one of the greatest advantages for being prepared for longer-term emergencies. In order to understand the importance...
Long-Term Food Storage Guidelines

Long-Term Food Storage Guidelines

Those that are planning to store food for long-term emergencies know that certain foods do not always stand the test of time. Natural elements such as sunlight, moisture and oxygen can dramatically reduce the lifespan of some of our favorite foods. Therefore,...

Safety Tips for Emergency Fuel Storage

When a disaster threatens a given area, fuel is one of the first emergency prep items people begin stocking up on. Having fuel on hand for given disasters helps maintain your regular lifestyle when power is interrupted. More importantly, having additional fuel can...
How to Dehydrate Foods for Long Term Storage

How to Dehydrate Foods for Long Term Storage

I wholeheartedly believe in layering your preparedness endeavors with both short and long-term food sources. That way, you can ensure that you have enough food to see you  through any type of event. Many turn to freeze-dried foods as the quintessential long-term food...
Dry Soup Mixes For Long-Term Storage

Dry Soup Mixes For Long-Term Storage

Typically dry soup mixes cost around $3 or more to purchase at the stores.  These mixes can be made in the home for a fraction of the cost.  Mixes that are made at home will not have the added colors and preservative that commercial soup mixes have such as MSG...

Food Storage: Getting Started

Starting a supply of food does not have to be a budget breaker.  Think like a squirrel gathering a little bit at a time.  Start with a short term supply and then compliment that with a longer term supply of food. Comparative shopping at the large volume supermarkets...


Wildfire season is upon us, and it’s not just California that has to worry about this destructive disaster this year. In an unprecedented heat wave,  84 large fires and complexes have burned 3,071,353 acres in 13 states. The concern is spreading among those who...