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Blue Lake Bush Beans – Very High In Fiber, Vitamins and Minerals


Hey Ma’, look — no strings for these beans!

Blue Lake Bush Beans don’t need a trellis, poles or strings, so growing them is ultra-low maintenance. The bean stalk yields abundant, plump and tasty bean pods that pack a wallop of crunchy goodness for your mouth. Blue Lake Bush Beans were originally developed as a canning bean. They quickly became a fresh food favorite and are now commonly served atop salads or steamed as a healthful side dish. However you serve them, your family is absolutely gonna love our succulent Blue Lake Bush Beans!

Blue Lake Bush Beans are very high in fiber, and vitamins A, C and K, as well as minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Weight: 29 grams
Count: Approximately 100 seeds



Plant Blue Lake Bush Beans in the early Summer. These beans like plenty of room to grow, so make sure to give them their space. Sow one inch deep and six inches apart in a row or grid fashion. Water beans with one inch of water per week and add organic mulch or compost after the seedlings emerge to retain moisture — your plants will reward you with continuous, highly productive yields throughout the growing season. Your Blue Lake Bush Beans are ready to eat when they are about six inches long. Beans will snap in half with ease when ripe.