Chelation Therapy Could Be the Key
First, what is chelation therapy? It is a little-known and often misunderstood arena of holistic health care. It is a simple concept. Chelants are organic substances that (through the activity of ions) manage to bind themselves to metal ions, termed chelation; in so binding, chelation makes it possible for the metal to be excreted from the body.
Studies too numerous to count have found that chemtrails (those lovely, wispy, cloudlike-trails in the sky) produced by jet contrails) contain excessive chemicals and metals, especially Aluminum and Magnesium among others. These metals (when inhaled or ingested, such as when they settle on crops and fresh produce or penetrate the water supply) cause many different ailments in the body, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, and other associated degenerative disorders of the brain and its neuron complex.
We’re going to cover three herbs you can use to start out your medicinal arsenal to battle the intake of these metals, from whatever source they originate. Let’s do it!
3 Herbs That Protect Against Chemtrail Poisoning
- Garlic (Allium sativa): Aww, you knew it was coming! Yes, JJ’s favorite…the greatest of all the herbal “broad spectrum” healers! Metals are no different: garlic does a number on them. Garlic chelates lead, mercury, and cadmium…major “pests” of metals found in water and food. It binds to them and effectively pulls them out of the body. Safe, not invasive, and inexpensive…be advised: the stuff you buy fresh in your grocery store is indeed excellent…soft-neck garlic possesses the greatest and strongest herbal medical potential.
- Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum): Oh, yeah, baby! Cilantro is another “big gun” for your arsenal. The herb neutralizes intercellular deposits of metals…those are metals that go into the cells. Cilantro changes the ionic charges of the metals, and this enables their grasp on the cells to be broken…where they pass into the urine. Mercury, lead, and aluminum are the ones that it acts upon the most.
- Chlorella (Chlorella regularis): The last batter up, for the winning home run! Yes, indeed, chlorella binds to the metals and takes them out of bone, brain, vital organs, and muscle to pass through and away from you. Chlorella is green algae that is unicellular that contains several types of chlorophyll. It is also high in protein (45% after it’s dehydrated), along with other nutrients. It is inexpensive and available in Wal-Mart as well as health food concerns.
So, what we have outlined are three that you can use immediately in the battle to detoxify yourself and reduce the amount of heavy metals in your system. I have recommended these because they are safe, effective, readily available, and not at all expensive. You can blend them into your diet effortlessly and get off to a flying start. If you research each one, you’ll find they have numerous other uses. They can be cultivated with ease (yes, even chlorella), and stocked up for your supplies. JJ out!
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Have an unused coffee press? Put about 20-30 cloves of organic peeled garlic into the press, fill with honey 3/4 of the way to top. Press down so garlic stays submerged. Eat 1 clove on empty stomach every am first thing. Never get sick. You won’t stink. You will begin to look forward to the wellness each day. You are very welcome.
I use garlic and cilantro and parsley, dill, ginger. Tried chlorella, had stomach upset, tried it again, same thing. Another lady had same problem so now I have kelp flakes used on foods.
I don’t taste cilantro, so I mix in with any appropriate dishes I prepare. Chili, beef/veg. soup, meatloaf, pasta salad–you get the idea.
“Studies too numerous to count have found that chemtrails (those lovely,
wispy, cloudlike-trails in the sky) produced by jet contrails)
contain excessive chemicals and metals, especially Aluminum and
Magnesium among others.” Magnesium?? First time I heard that. Maybe it was supposed to say Manganese?
Lisa Crews, I wondered the same thing, especially since most folks have such low mag levels, as evidenced by complaints of muscle cramps!
You really do not want to use Chlorella at all. According to the Medical Medium, it does not get rid of heavy metals like Cilantro does. Chlorella drops the heavy metals that it picks up and it could be dropped in a worse place than where it was before. I would like to think that all health-conscious people know who the Medical Medium is.
The articles that l have read stated that the chemtrails contain Barium ,strontium and aluminum.
I watched a chemtrail go right by my condo. The poison is all threw my house. Tried to scrub it but wont come out. It seems to be adhering to plastic and wood.
I have 3 dogs. In one week she got sick. Then I realized it was the chem. It seems like it still is active. What should I do. Do I need to move out and how do I get this out of my house.