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The Best Firewood For Heating

The Best Firewood For Heating

We had an awful lot of trees to choose from to burn in the range, and some were far better than others. Well seasoned hardwood was by far the best. We stored it in a huge shed, more like a small barn really. There were a few holes in it, but that didn’t matter,...
Outdoor Cooking Was Essential To Keep the Cottage Cool

Outdoor Cooking Was Essential To Keep the Cottage Cool

A modern version of gran’s set up I think I have said before that Knowle Cottage had huge grrrtt (great) big thick walls. Well, in the winter that was good news because it keeped (kept) the heat in. In the summer, especially if there was no breeze passing...
Fertilizing the Vegetable Garden

Fertilizing the Vegetable Garden

Back in the day there ware none of the composts and fertilizers around that you can buy nowadays. Mostly animal manure was used to fertilize the garden but sometimes it was too fresh, it hadn’t been stored long enough and that’s no good as it can burn the...
You Need to Grow A LOT of Sugar Beet to Get a Little Sugar

You Need to Grow A LOT of Sugar Beet to Get a Little Sugar

Back in the day sugar was quite expensive considering the little money we had coming in. Most of our sweetness came from honey, which with the amount of locals who kept bees was not difficult to get hold of. We would often swap something from the garden, or maybe a...
Dealing With Flies the Old Fashioned Way

Dealing With Flies the Old Fashioned Way

When you live in the country flies are ever present. Living without a fridge means that even though they can’t get to the food in the safe they can smell it, and that means they come inside the house and buzz around annoying everyone. Let me tell you about food...
Ironing Day Using Flat Irons: The Blight of My Life

Ironing Day Using Flat Irons: The Blight of My Life

There were two types of iron years ago, the solid metal ones, flat irons which was what I had, and box iron, a similar thing, but the top of the iron where the handle is, lifted up letting you put hot embers inside to save keep reheating it. Well my mother had one of...
D-Day Memories From Knowle Cottage

D-Day Memories From Knowle Cottage

When my mother opened the door on the morning of June 6th 1944 there was a pile of tin cans on the step, and the path, dozens and dozens of them. I looked out of the fields that surrounded Knowle Cottage seeing them empty. It was the first time in an age that they...
The Winter of 1962-1963

The Winter of 1962-1963

I remember the winter of 1947, it was cold, very cold, but it was the floods that gave us trouble. When the thaw came it was sudden, almost overnight and with the ground still rock solid the water had nowhere to go. The entire ground floor of Knowle was flooded, the...
Getting The Most From The Cottage Garden

Getting The Most From The Cottage Garden

As I’ve said before the garden at Knowle cottage was big, but not huge. It took some creative planting to make sure we produced enough to feed the family. My Ern was a master at getting the most out of the garden. He rotated the crops every year, he would draw a...
In Ground Composting

In Ground Composting

When we were growing our own food space was very important. We had a good sized garden, but not massive, and compost heaps take up a lot of room. We disposed of human waste from the outhouse into pits, which we covered with soil. By the time we had filled pits right...
Bread Making With Homemade Yeast

Bread Making With Homemade Yeast

Bread formed a large part of our diet in the old days, and it was always available, more so in winter when food was scarcer and bellies needed to be filled. I made all our bread, and made the yeast starters that gave it a lovely rise. Making the starter was easy. My...