Jeremiah Johnson

Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne). Mr. Johnson was a Special Forces Medic, EMT and ACLS-certified, with comprehensive training in wilderness survival, rescue, and patient-extraction. He is a Certified Master Herbalist and a graduate of the Global College of Natural Medicine of Santa Ana, CA. A graduate of the U.S. Army’s survival course of SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape), Mr. Johnson also successfully completed the Montana Master Food Preserver Course for home-canning, smoking, and dehydrating foods.

Mr. Johnson dries and tinctures a wide variety of medicinal herbs taken by wild crafting and cultivation, in addition to preserving and canning his own food. An expert in land navigation, survival, mountaineering, and parachuting as trained by the United States Army, Mr. Johnson is an ardent advocate for preparedness, self-sufficiency, and long-term disaster sustainability for families. He and his wife survived Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Cross-trained as a Special Forces Engineer, he is an expert in supply, logistics, transport, and long-term storage of perishable materials, having incorporated many of these techniques plus some unique innovations in his own homestead.

Mr. Johnson brings practical, tested experience firmly rooted in formal education to his writings and to our team. He and his wife live in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with their three cats.

Ready Nutrition - Your Body's Recovery and Why Diet is Paramount Pin

Your Body’s Recovery and Why Diet is Paramount

I have stressed the importance of protein in many Ready Nutrition articles, as well as tissue repair and building muscle. Your body is akin to a machine, and you must keep it properly fueled and maintained to derive maximum performance from it.

Not only is honey the perfect health food, but it can be used in natural medicine and wound care.

Honey’s Health Benefits and Why You Need It In Your Ready Nutrition Medicinal Pantry

Honey is a must-have for pantries. Not only is it packed with health benefits but also serves many medicinal purposes including first aid, wound care, and homeopathic aids. This primer can help you better understand how it aids in health, but also how to use in first aid.

A solar minimum could also cause a cascading power failure if too much drain is placed on the supply. This could cause catastrophic conditions that you don’t want to happen prior to taking the correct measures.

What Solar Minimum Means and 10 Ways You Need To Prepare For It

A solar minimum could also cause a cascading power failure if too much drain is placed on the supply. This could cause catastrophic conditions that you don’t want to happen prior to taking the correct measures.

Here's a great checklist for preppers getting ready for Fall and Winter emergencies.

The Fall & Winter Prepper Checklist: 9 Things To Get Your Home Prepped for Disasters

It’s important to get your home prepped for fall and winter weather. Here’s a great prepper’s checklist to get those to-do’s crossed off your list!

It's so easy for those preparing for disasters to get overwhelmed and lose heart. Here are 5 healthy ways to deal with prepper burn-out and get back on task.

Prepper Burnout: 5 Healthy Ways To Deal With It

There are many reasons to continue to train and prepare: but how do we deal with prepper burnout?

There are so many ways to make health-enriching herbal formulations for health. Let's talk about basic carriers that you can use to start making time-trusted natural medicine.

Natural Medicine 101: Three Carriers To Use for Making Herbal Remedies

There are so many ways to make health-enriching herbal formulations. Let’s talk about three basic carriers that you can use to start making time-trusted natural medicine. Best of all, they are probably already in your kitchen!

Ready-Nutrition-Cast Iron

Why Cast Iron is a Prepper Essential

When it comes to a cabin out in the woods or an open fire, nothing beats cast iron.

ready-nutrition-emergency evacuation trailer part 2

Bugging Out in a Trailer: Protection, Movement and Support (Part 2)

We covered the basics of trailers as a vehicle to house you and your family in an emergency or a SHTF situation. Now we’re going to delve into some finer points for once you’ve obtained those necessary basics outlined in the first article.

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If You Aren’t Prepared for the Basic Medical Emergencies, You Could Be Setting Yourself Up For Disaster

Emergencies happen when we least expect them. Ready Nutrition’s “Prep of the Week” focuses on medical emergencies and how to have the very basics with you on hand.

Over 100 wildfires are ravaging parts of the United States. It's only a matter of time before one of these could come to your neck of the woods. Are you prepared?

Inferno: How To Get Ready for a Rapidly Spreading Wildfire

What if you are in one of the states that is experiencing wildfire activity, or if a fire should break out in your locale? Let’s go over a few things that you can do to give you and your family a better chance.

sawyer water filter

When Clean Water Isn’t Available, Make it So – With a Sawyer

This water filtration system is Ready Nutrition’s Prep of the Week. It’s simple to use, user-friendly, inexpensive, has an instruction booklet that covers all the variables – and can fit into your pocket.

ready nutrition - betrayal in group

How To Overcome Betrayal in a Prepper Group

Practice OPSEC with even the most “reliable” ally, remembering that all men have the capacity to betray and usually do.

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