Ruby Burks

Ruby is a first generation Californian who grew up in the heart of the Central San Joaquin Valley farming community. She's been involved in agriculture for 40 years and learned to preserve food, traditional home arts, to hunt and fish, raise livestock and garden from her Ozark native mother.

Self-Sufficiency Skill: Basic Vehicle Maintenance

Learning basic care car is a skill everyone should learn as part of being frugal and becoming more self-sufficient.


Four Woes That Go Along With Winter Homesteading

Homesteader, Ruby Burks tells it like it is with this article on winter woes. Winter in the California Sierras can be just as brutal as any northern winter elsewhere in the United States and seasonal issues that go along with it.

bug out food

These Food Essentials Should Be in Every Bug Out Bag

Preparing to bug out on foot requires physical fitness and lightweight calorie-dense foods to get you to your destination. Be sure to include these foods in your bug out bag.


Bugging Out: Training Is What Really Prepares You For the Real Thing

No matter what kind of shape you think you’re in, training to bug out on foot and being prepared for the unique stresses it puts on your body is best accomplished practicing often with the actual gear and in the setting you’re most likely to find yourself when the SHTF.


Frugal Living: Using Up Fish Scraps for Broth and Other Recipes

Finding ways to find natural food sources and using up every bit will not only enhance our preparedness skills, but also help us create a more frugal lifestyle in the process. Fish is one of the most readily available wild protein sources and homesteader, Ruby Burks provides some very sound advice on how to add these last food bits to make delicious meals.]

Winter Beekeeping Maintenance for a Healthy Hive

By doing some winter maintenance on your apiary equipment, building new equipment, and securing bee yards for the coming season, you can be better prepared for spring flows.

Preppers – Foot Care is a Top Priority

Whether you’re thinking about preps for your bug-out or your feet are putting in a hard day’s work, having the proper support for them and quality footwear is a must.


Five Components Determine How Healthy You Are

If you’re neglecting any of these areas in your health; if the shtf, you won’t be ready to respond.

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Home Protection Dogs: Amp Up Your Home’s Security Perimeter With These Tips

If you want your dog to protect your property while you’re away, there are a few things you can do that make it easier for the dog to do his job while you’re gone.

What to Expect When You’re Goats Are Expecting

We’re on Kid Watch here- goat kid, that is. As a long-time goat keeper, here’s my go-to guide on the basic things you should do and have on hand before the does go into labor.


Winter Homesteading: A Must-Read Guide to Staying Ahead

Homesteading is a full-time job and winter is no time to slack. Ruby Burk provides a very informative guide to what homesteaders can do during winter to stay ahead!

How Your Guard Dog Security Could Easily Be Compromised

We would like to think our dogs are vigilantly guarding our properties and will deter anyone who dares to enter, but this isn’t always the case.

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