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Why Being a “Tree Hugger” Builds Self-Reliance

Why Being a “Tree Hugger” Builds Self-Reliance

By Todd Walker I’ve never considered myself a “tree hugger” as defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary: noun: someone who is regarded as foolish or annoying because of being too concerned about protecting trees, animals, and other parts of the natural world from...
Backyard Bushcraft Skills: No Wilderness Required

Backyard Bushcraft Skills: No Wilderness Required

Doing the Stuff of self-reliance takes time, resources, tools, and want to. More important than any of these is ACTION! With only 24 hours in a day, you can’t always trek to your personal space in the woods to practice wilderness survival skills. Hectic schedules and...
5 Tips for Epic Self-Reliance Skills

5 Tips for Epic Self-Reliance Skills

Our grandson is about to start walking with only 10 months of practice. From the moment he graced our family with his beautiful presence, independence was his goal. As much as we love the baby talk days, babies grow up. Cooing and crawling suddenly turns to walking...
Functional Fitness: The Wild Woodsman Workout

Functional Fitness: The Wild Woodsman Workout

For those unfamiliar with the term Functional Fitness, FF connects fitness to real-life function. Or another way to look at FF is fitness for the tasks you perform or may one day have to perform. In a general preparedness mindset, I practice functional fitness because...
10 Reasons to Add Plantain to Your SHTF Medicine Chest

10 Reasons to Add Plantain to Your SHTF Medicine Chest

By Todd Walker No matter how domesticated we’ve become, at our genetic core, our hunter-gather within longs to be unleashed. In our quest to express our primal genes, we encounter Nature’s revenge from stings, bites, cuts and injury. The fear and misery that follows...
Being a Prepper and Producer

Being a Prepper and Producer

If you had the four basic materials – graphite, cedar, metal, and rubber, could you produce a wooden pencil? You may be wondering why we’re even talking about a simple writing utensil. They’re not on most List of Lists to help you survive mutant biker zombie attacks....
Pondering Poison Ivy Remedies and Itch Relief

Pondering Poison Ivy Remedies and Itch Relief

pon·der – to think about or consider (something) carefully Spend any amount of time in the outdoors or in your yard, it’s very likely you’ll come in contact with this evil plant. It has successfully reduced men, women, and children to miserable, scratching beasts....
31 Ways to Help Kids Trade Screens for Streams

31 Ways to Help Kids Trade Screens for Streams

“Go outside and play” were words rarely spoken in our home growing up. “Come inside and eat” was the usual echo coming from the back door. Todd walker Survival Sherpa Nothing indoors held my attention like the woods and streams of my youth. Curiosity drove me and my...