52 Weeks to Preparedness


Collapse Investing: Money and Wealth Preservation During Times of Uncertainty and Instability

In our 44th week, we will be discussing various wealth preservation measures and TEOTWAWKI investment strategies.

Week 43 of 52: Gardening and Livestock

In our 43rd week, we discuss the symbiotic relationship between livestock and gardening.

nuke map

Week 42 of 52: Characteristics of an Ideal Retreat

In our 42nd week, we will be discussing what an ideal retreat would be like. Knowing what characteristics to look for in a survival retreat property, as well as the surrounding area, and local government can help you find the best area to bug in or bug out to.

Week 41 of 52: Self-Reliant Skills

This our 41st week, we discuss the importance of having skills to fall back on in order thrive to during an extended emergency.

Week 40 of 52: Cold Weather Preparedness

This week, we are weighing in on the topic of cold weather preparedness and how vital it will be to stay warm in a grid-down scenario.

Week 39 of 52: Alternative Power Sources

In our 39th week, we will weigh in on the topic of alternative power sources. Keep reading to learn more about which power sources are ideally used in preparation for a long-term disaster.

Week 38 of 52: Emergency Communication

What would our lives be like if we find ourselves in a comm down scenario? Learn which emergency communication devices are ideal in a post-SHTF scenario.

Week 37 of 52: Essential Baking Needs

In our 37th week, we will discuss the versatility of everyday kitchen goods, and how they can help you survive and thrive.

Week 36: SHTF Sugars

In our 36th week, we are going to discuss the versatility of different sugars in your preparedness supplies, which ones have the longest shelf life, and some sweet options that you can consider for your homestead.

Week 35 of 52: Surviving with Carbohydrates

In our 35th week of this series, we will discuss the role that carbohydrates will play in a shtf diet, as well as touch on some wild edibles that could also be good carbohydrate sources.

Week 34 of 52: Essential Legumes

Legumes are one of the original shtf diet foods. And there’s a reason for it. This essential emergency food source is the cheapest and most versatile option for storable proteins. Best of all, they have the capacity to last up decades, if properly stored.

Week 33 of 52: Essential Fats and Oils

In our 33rd week of the 52 Weeks to Preparedness series, we are pressing on with concentrating on bulking up your emergency food storage by highlighting the importance of fats in your food reserves. We will cover some of the best fats to store and how long their shelf life typically lasts.

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