One of the main reasons people avoid hiking and camping is the fear of coming in contact with a bear. But there are a few simple steps you can take to make sure you don’t attract a bear to your campsite.
Ask Tess

Ask Tess: I’m looking to take my food storage to the next level
A readers asks about using a Hot Jaw in their food storage endeavors and taking their food pantry to the next level.

Ask Tess: How do I protect my animals from radiation?
Not only is the fear of radiation concerning for humans, but what about those who own livestock? How do you protect your animals and keep them out of harm’s way?
Ask Tess: Are military personnel who were vaccinated against the plague protected from the airborne strain of the plague?
A reader asks if service members who were administered vaccinations from various plagues protected against the resent transmission of airborne pneumonic plague. Read more to find out the answer and how to protect yourself.

Ask Tess: Can I Give My Cat Dog Food in a Disaster?
Help! I ran out of pet food during a hurricane. Can I give my cat a small dish of dog food until the storm passes I can get more food?

Ask Tess: I’m Vacuum Sealing Food For the First Time
A new prepper is vacuum sealing food for the first time and needs some advice on starting her food storage pantry.

Mold On Beef Jerky: Can I Still Eat Beef Jerky With “White Powder” On It?
A reader asks who to handle mold on his dehydrated meat. Is it still edible? Can it be scraped off? Read on for the answer.

Why Will All-Purpose Flour Only Keep a Few Months?
A reader who has taken steps to prolong her flour for long-term storage asks why is only lasts a few months.

Ask Tess: Can My Vegetable Oil Go Bad?
Due to the fat content in cooking oils, overtime rancidity could be an issue. A reader asks if oils really do go bad.

Ask Tess: Can a store sell products past their expiration date?
My friend was telling me the other day that a store can sell products past their expiration date. Is this true?

Ask Tess: What’s the best way to prevent bug infestations in my long term food pantry?
I like that you are looking into the best method in protecting your food investment. Insects are one of the food enemies that can wreak havoc on your food stuffs. There are a few different ways you can go about protecting your food sources from insects.