
Getting your daily dose of greens seems difficult for most people on a sunny day in the summer when they have those vegetable readily available. But come winter time, some all but stop eating those nutritious veggies that help keep the body running in tip-top condition. Because of that, we've come up with this helpful guide to show you how easy it is to still get your veggies in even when that blizzard rolls through! #ReadyNutrition #HealthyLiving

Simple Ways To Help You Get Enough Leafy Greens During Winter

Getting your daily dose of greens seems difficult for most people on a sunny day in the summer when they have those vegetable readily available. But come winter time, some all but stop eating those nutritious veggies that help keep the body running in tip-top condition. Because of that, we’ve come up with this helpful guide to show you how easy it is to still get your veggies in even when that blizzard rolls through!

Ready Nutrition - CDC Flu Season Preparedness

How To Prevent And Naturally Treat The Dreaded Stomach Flu This Winter

It always seems like this time of year brings the stomach flu along with all of the other viruses floating around in public.  But there are simple things you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick, and there are natural and healthy ways to ensure you feel better faster if you do come down with this nasty bug.

You can find mullein in leaf, tincture, pill, or capsule form, but this information is given to you in the hopes that you’ll go out next season and find it to make your supplies with as well.

The Healing Properties of Mullein – Especially During the Cold and Flu Season

You can find mullein in leaf, tincture, pill, or capsule form, but this information is given to you in the hopes that you’ll go out next season and find it to make your supplies with as well.

dehydrated foods for long term food storage

25 Hardcore Healthy Foods You Need in Your Emergency Pantry

Here’s how to build an emergency pantry that is packed with nutritious, shelf-stable foods that will help your family keep energy levels up.

If you have experienced a migraine, you know that these neurological events can knock you out of commission, often sending you into the refuge of a dark and quiet room for a day (or longer).

Everything You Need to Know About Migraine

If you have experienced a migraine, you know that these neurological events can knock you out of commission, often sending you into the refuge of a dark and quiet room for a day (or longer).

A recent study published in the  American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine claims that regularly using house cleaning products could be as bad for your health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.  Although it's difficult to imagine cleaning could be just as detrimental to one's health as smoking, the research suggests that the chemicals in cleaning products that get inhaled are actually just as bad.

Cleaning Your House May Be As Bad For You As Smoking 20 Cigarettes A Day

A recent study published in the  American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine claims that regularly using house cleaning products could be as bad for your health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.  Although it’s difficult to imagine cleaning could be just as detrimental to one’s health as smoking, the research suggests that the chemicals in cleaning products that get inhaled are actually just as bad.

You will absolutely need this frugal prep in the event of a total collapse.

You’ll Absolutely Need This Frugal Prep in the Event of a Total Collapse

These affordable nylon bags can be stowed in your vehicle, in your backpack, or even kept on your person.

The Best Shoes For Walking on Ice

Winter Safety: The Best Shoes For Walking on Ice

Ice is everywhere over here…ice on the car, on the ground. Ice on the road. What to do? Surely you’ve encountered the same thing. We’re going to cover some field expedient techniques that will take the slippage away from you.

PVC is some pretty versatile stuff. PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride, and it can be found both in rigid or in flexible forms. There are also different uses as per the variance in capabilities.

8 Creative Reasons Why Every Prepper Needs PVC Pipe

PVC is some pretty versatile stuff. PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride, and it can be found both in rigid or in flexible forms. There are also different uses as per the variance in capabilities.

For many of us, the shorter, colder days of fall and winter mean less sunlight exposure, less exercise, and less access to fresh produce. We tend to get sick more often during fall and winter, but there are things we can do to reduce the risk.

Immune System-Boosting Nutrients You May Need During Fall and Winter

For many of us, the shorter, colder days of fall and winter mean less sunlight exposure, less exercise, and less access to fresh produce. We tend to get sick more often during fall and winter, but there are things we can do to reduce the risk.

Know the essentials of layering your clothes for outdoor winter excursions!

Layering Clothes Effectively To Stay Warm Outside In Winter

Layering your clothing is one of the best ways to stay warm.  Anyone who works outside or has chores around the house to take care of in the winter months understands the importance of keeping the body warm so it can operate at optimal levels.

Nettles have many medicinal uses. The is a great primer to start learning!

The Medicinal Power Of Nettles

Deemed a useless plant by many, nettle is often avoided and weeded out of yards because it can be annoying and irritating.  But after being the subject of several studies, nettle has begun to prove its worth. While you may curse the plant for the temporary discomfort, stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is actually a beneficial perennial that treats several conditions.

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