If you are prepping on a budget, a food dehydrator is a great investment. These four budget-friendly models are highly recommended and can get you started on creating a food pantry for pennies.
Food and Kitchen
Come on in, don’t be shy! Our food and kitchen resources are filled to the brim with our favorite family recipes, cooking tips, food storage ideas, and how to preserve your favorite food for long-term use.

8 Delicious Things to Make With Pumpkin
Pumpkin season doesn’t last forever, so make the most of it – and reap the nutritional benefits – while you can!

Are You Ready Series: Best Practices For Long Term Food Storage
Food is an investment into your future and your family’s livelihood. Therefore, you must do all that you can to protect that investment for the long term. Using the multi-barrier system will ensure that the food is stored in optimal conditions and that the contents inside are protected.

Food Prepping: Why You Should Store Wheat And How To Use It
Wheat is a prepper pantry essential simply because it has so many uses. Preparedness takes time and effort, and while wheat is vital to any good food storage plan, practice makes perfect. Learn some of the ways to utilize this food source.

Cook Like Grandma: Nothing Goes to Waste
Vintage cookbooks and recipes from around the world can open up possibilities for delicious recipes that allow one to use every part of the animal for human consumption and to reduce waste. So, before tossing these bits to the dogs, spend some time exploring these lesser-known or forgotten recipes.

Ready Nutrition: Power Protein Pancakes – Just Add Water
Adding some just-add-water protein additions to your pantry is a must to maintain health and vigor during emergencies.

5 Ways to Stretch Your Meals SHTF Style
Get smart about how to use foods in your preparedness pantry, and learn these nifty tricks on how to fill up our stomachs at the same time.

5 Exciting Ways to Use Cranberries
With Thanksgiving around the corner, you might find yourself with an abundance of cranberries on hand.

Buying Local Honey: What You Need to Know
Buying locally is your best bet in taking steps to buy the purest forms of honey and create a natural prepper pantry. Use these tips when looking for local honey sources.