
stir fry dinner meal or leftovers stored in glass containers

Preppernomics: What to Do with Those Christmas Dinner Leftovers

One of the best things about holidays is getting together with family and having a huge feast. One of the worst things about the holidays is that you probably spent close to a week’s grocery money on that huge feast. If you are of the frugal mindset or on a tight budget, it can be overwhelming to spend all that money for just one meal. Here’s where preppernomics comes in: preserve it!

Preserving the Season: All About Apples

Whether you choose to buy your fruit from a local grower or decide to start your own orchard, apples are a great fruit to add to your homesteading pantry and garden and have many uses beyond the sad little red thing in the lunchbox.

Proof It Can Be Done: A Micro Farm in the Suburbs

“Growing Your Own Food is Recession Proof”

homestead protection

Protect Your Property with a Homestead Declaration

Remember, prepping is not just for a natural disaster or a global thermonuclear war. You must also take care of business in the context of the present time, and this means protecting your assets, finances, and property in a standard, legal context.

spice of life(1)

Put These Essential Supplies In Your Pantry Today

Growing herbs and spices to reduce your current grocery bill or to enhance your diet after a disruption in trade is essential for any well-stocked pantry.

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Rabbits As A Survival Food Source

As a prepper who wants to know I can survive some possible disaster scenarios, it makes sense to me, because it’s something I can do “right here and now” as a practical survival skill that isn’t socially unacceptable and which will thus be in place already if some disaster scenario does take place.


Raising a family off-grid requires very careful planning

There’s no doubt in my mind that having electricity is the one thing that would have improved my life. Having mains water would have been fantastic but the ‘lectricity would have been better.


Raising Farm Animals for the First Time

Before you can reap the benefits of raising animals, you will need to consider first how to feed, shelter, and protect them.

fb holiday guide

Ready Nutrition Holiday 2017 Gift Guide

Just in time for cyber Monday, here is your ultimate 2017 gift-giving guide for your favorite prepper and homesteader.


Refrigerator or Counter? Where to Store Some Produce May Surprise You

There are some foods that absolutely need refrigeration, and some that are better off stored outside of your fridge.

Pig fat is frying on the fire.

Rendering Tallow for Cooking and 12 Other Uses

Rendering tallow or lard has many uses and can easily be used in your homesteading endeavors. Learn how to do it, where to find it and how to use it.


Secrets of a Successful Organic Garden

This little YouTube gem is loaded with succinct advice you can apply to your garden – whether you are just beginning, or have already established your green thumb.

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