Yarrow has been used in natural remedies for thousands of years and can be used to treat burns, boils, blisters, ear infections, sores, and bug bites. Most notably, it can also be used to stop bleeding, making this a must for the natural first aid remedies.
News and Commentary
A Primer on Cholesterol, Lipids, and Fats
Knowing about these substances will help you to make your dietary and exercise plans and goals more viable.
Colloidal Silver’s Antimicrobial Properties And Safe Usage Suggestions
Colloidal silver is most known for its antimicrobial properties. But there are many other uses for it as well, and we’ve composed this handy guide to help you understand how to get the most out of colloidal silver while using it safely to avoid argyria.
Will the Extinction of Bees Really Mean the End of Humanity?
Feared at best and considered a useless, disposable nuisance at worst, bees are among the most underappreciated creatures on the planet. That’s a shame, because our very existence relies on the tiny buzzing creatures.
The Basics on Making Herbal Aids for Pets
Herbs can be very beneficial for your pets for the same reasons they can help you: they are not as invasive nor addictive as pharmacological medications, and they have less side effects when administered properly and correctly.
Ebola Outbreak: Vital Resources You Need to Stay Ahead of This Deadly Virus
As you have undoubtedly seen in the news, there is a fresh outbreak of the disease Ebola in Africa. Gathering vital information is important to mitigate and protect yourself.
8 Tips For Finding the Best Hammock For Warm Weather Trips
The hammock has some practical uses that we’re going to cover concerning your outdoor adventures and can even do in a pinch to help you when the going gets rough.
Could Baking Soda Be Used to Treat Autoimmune Disease? Study Suggests it is Possible
Yet another possible purpose for baking soda has been discovered, and it is quite incredible.
The Rise Of Superbugs And ‘Nightmare Bacteria’ And How You Can Stay Healthy
“Nightmare bacteria” with unusual resistance to antibiotics of last resort were found more than 200 times in the United States last year in a first-of-its-kind hunt to see how much of a threat these rare cases have become. It’s also important to realize that there are steps that can be taken to help stem the evolution of these superbugs and remain healthy.
EMP Commission Warns Of Year-Long Blackout And A Massive Death Toll
A federal EMP commission report warns that even the smallest EMP attack on our grid system would down it for about a year, if not longer. A year-long blackout would certainly be coupled with a massive death toll that would devastate entire populations.
How Scientists Plan to Feed Billions Without the Help of the Sun
Following a massive volcanic eruption, worldwide famine would quickly follow due to the ash blocking the sun. Scientists are looking into food growing alternatives in order to feed billions worldwide. Can it be done?
Yellowstone Officials: There “Could be a Supervolcano Eruption Imminently”
With the recent minor eruptions in Yellowstone, officials are admitting to imminent and future eruptions and are currently conducting training exercises to better prepare. Seismologists who have monitored the area have warned for years that the area is under strain and have observed deformation in rocks occurring under Yellowstone for years.