Could you fireman’s carry a family member to safety – or split firewood without hydraulic equipment – or hoe that long row in your garden without having a stroke?
Natural Living
Life is a journey that starts with small, achievable goals. Get inspired and explore our natural living resources on dietary wellness, physical wellness, natural medicine, and learn more about how health supplements can improve your wellbeing so you can live your best life yet.
Garlic: A Natural Medicine for the Prepper’s Medicine Chest
Garlic has been used as both food and medicine for thousands of years and should strongly be considered when adding items to your natural medicine cabinet.
Get Ready for Flu Season with Nature’s “Tamiflu”
The most important weapon against influenza that you can add to your herbal arsenal is elderberry extract.
Get The Kids To Do Their Laundry With These Easy Tips!
Doing the laundry is never exactly fun, but having my kids pitch in and help makes the job easier and it also teaches them independence and self-reliance. By planning/organizing a few things in advance, I’ve made the process of doing our laundry much easier for my little helpers.
Global Panic Begins
If medical facilities start to buckle under the strain of people self-reporting for fear that they have the disease, genuine Ebola cases are going to be missed, and that will be the point when localized epidemics will occur.
Granny Spears ‘Herbology’
Unless it was especially serious we relied on remedies passed down to us over the years
Grow your own painkillers
Planting your painkillers close to regular oriental poppies will most likely keep them un-noticed.
Grow Your Own Simple Backyard Pharmacy… Just Like Grandma’s!
One thing that working in the health profession has taught me in the last 26+ years is, your best health insurance, is to stay healthy! So I looked to herbs and natural, traditional “Gramma” medicine approaches that were not only useful and very effective, but they were inexpensive, very easy to do and great to keep on hand!
Half a Million People to EPA: Stop ‘Largest Expansion of a Known Toxic Herbicide’
Over half a million people including scientists, doctors and food safety advocates have urged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency not to approve a new herbicide mix.
Good News: Catnaps Are Good for Your Health!
You may be surprised to see how improved your focus, alertness, productivity, and overall wellness can be with just a short catnap.