Natural Living

Life is a journey that starts with small, achievable goals. Get inspired and explore our natural living resources on dietary wellness, physical wellness, natural medicine, and learn more about how health supplements can improve your wellbeing so you can live your best life yet.

DIY: How To Naturally Make An Essential Oil Diffuser {Plus Aromatherapy Oil Blends}

The next time you feel that your mood is”off” or that you want to enhance your memory make an oil diffuser and try some of these essential oil combinations and see the positive effects. Aromatherapy is a natural way to improve and balance your moods and create a healthier environment.

summer safety

These Off-Grid Summer Strategies Could Save Your Food Supply and Keep You Safe

In the coming months, the power grid will be pushed to extremes and can force homes off the grid if temperatures reach maximums. Keep these tips and considerations in mind to help you become more resilient to the lasting effects of power outages during extreme heat events.

Many of you may be asking why I want to go to all the trouble and grow herbs and roots for natural healing. In short, I want to have lots of options at my disposal in case the hospitals are overwhelmed or there is a medicine shortage. Here are the top 20!

20 Medicinal Herbs That I Have in My Prepper Garden

Many of you may be asking why I want to go to all the trouble and grow herbs and roots for natural healing. In short, I want to have lots of options at my disposal in case the hospitals are overwhelmed or there is a medicine shortage. Here are the top 20!


Cycling and Walking to Work Increases the Feeling of Wellbeing

We need to look at other aspects of our lifestyles that could be affecting our general health and adjust them accordingly.

Close up of various colorful glass jars containing various herbs and spices

10 Ways To Make Your Trash Work For You

Those that are attempting to adopt the homesteading mindset are trying to re-learn the lost knowledge from our agrerian ancestors, as well as trying to find practical ways to save a buck or two. The homesteading mindset is all about re-purposing items we already have in our possession. Finding ways to re-purpose trash can not only make your lifestyle more “green,”, but it can save you money and time as well.


10 Foods That Will Do a Number on Your Teeth

There are a few foods and drinks out there that are responsible for a disproportionate amount of damage to your teeth.

10 Delicious Ways to Infuse Honey

Infusing honey with fruit or herbs is a great way to add enhanced taste to honey, as well as additional health benefits. Here are ten delicious infused honey to start out with and some ways that you can add infused honey to your foods. Enjoy!

10 Delicious Zoodle Recipes You Can Make From Your Summer Harvest!

Here’s a new way to make fresh garden salads and an easy way to take your healthy meals to the next level!

Ready Nutrition - 10 holiday gift ideas that will make you healthier

10 Holiday Gift Ideas That Will Actually Make You Healthier

Finding unique and useful gifts for the people you care about can be challenging, but hopefully we can help out a bit. Here’s a list of health and wellness gift ideas just about anyone would appreciate.

detox water

10 Infused Detox Waters for Healthy Living

Take drinking water to the next level. By infusing your water with fresh fruits and herbs, it will help you gently detox your body and rehydrate you at the same time. Try these ten refreshing infusions!


10 Reasons to Add Plantain to Your SHTF Medicine Chest

If you only learn to identify and use one medicinal herb, plantain is a good choice. Over-the-counter medicines won’t always be available. In North America, this plant is prolific.


12 Proven Remedies That Will Save You The Cost of a Doctors Visit

Modern studies into ‘old wives tales’ are turning up surprising evidence that many of these nostalgic old remedies actually work.

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