Preparedness Mindset


Applied Physics for Self-Reliance: Newton’s 3 Laws of Doing the Stuff

Have you ever thought about applying the 3 laws of motion to improve your life, skill sets, and self-reliance?


National Preparedness Month: Put Your Preps to the Test with 24 Hours Unplugged

It’s time to take your game up a notch with 24 hours unplugged! No fair doing this on a day when you will be away from your normal activities anyway – you want to put your preps to the test!

making hay while the sun is shining

The Austerity Diaries: Making Hay While the Sun Shines

With the advent of “progress” we now live in a society in which nothing is really that urgent to most folks. But is this really progress?

Prepping: Are You Hardcore Enough?

When I first began prepping, I wanted to be a hardcore prepper and had some pretty grandiose conceptions of how that would be. I envisioned being the kind of prepper who could live off the land with nothing but a multitool, some snares and a water bottle. Here’s what I’ve learned since then.

Watership Down

Watership Down, and the Seven People You’ll Meet After the Collapse

I doubt any major studio today would have the guts to make such a graphic and principled cartoon for kids.


Trail Signs – Communicate Secretly

What does the CIA and a hobo have in common? Both love secret communications. And if you’re on the trail, it’s a good idea to know a few of their methods.


The Prepper’s Blueprint: Book Review and Interview

The Liberty Brothers interview author Tess Pennington about her new book, The Prepper’s Blueprint, pandemic preparedness in the face of the Ebola outbreak, and how to get started with prepping.

hug the trees

Why Being a “Tree Hugger” Builds Self-Reliance

Embrace your love of trees and learn to be stewards of these towers of the forest!


Raising a family off-grid requires very careful planning

There’s no doubt in my mind that having electricity is the one thing that would have improved my life. Having mains water would have been fantastic but the ‘lectricity would have been better.

Whatever can go wrong will go wrong

The Austerity Diaries: Everything That Can Go Wrong, Will

By learning to turn a negative situation into a more positive experience, we become stronger and more adaptable. That’s what survival is all about.


Forget Doom and Gloom: Preparedness is the Ultimate Act of Optimism

Never underestimate the magnitude of the importance of your state of mind.

Why I am going low tech to prep for an EMP

The Big Blackout: Why I’m Going Low-Tech to Prep for an EMP

When things change dramatically, perhaps we should accept the change and adapt to it, instead of trying to maintain the illusion that everything is the same.