In the event of a grid failure, would you be prepared? Many who prep save extra food and water, but have no idea what actually going “off the grid” would entail. But there are some tips and tricks to preparing so you don’t find yourself or your family at the whims of those currently running the political system.
Alternative Power

Running on Empty: Siphoning Gas without Sucking
There are better (and much safer) options for fuel transfer supplies on the market these days. The Survival Sherpa provides some excellent tips and prep suggestions for this type of preparedness.

New Altered Bacteria Can Convert Sunlight Into Liquid Fuel
Researcher have now paired a solar-powered catalyzing device with genetically engineered bacteria to convert water and carbon dioxide into fuel. The system has been dubbed the bionic leaf!

SHTF Planning: 7 Ways to Use The Items Around You To Adapt and Survive
Having a plan and a supply of food is well and good. But it’s the skills and ingenuity that will help you thrive and stay alive. Here are 7 ways to use items around your home to survive.

Preparedness Advantages of Holding on to Your Older Vehicle
Consider the engine overhaul on that early-model vehicle, and you’ll save money in the long run, and keep that anonymity that you so desperately desire as a prepper and survivalist. The key is the good mechanic.

Prepping This Item Before Winter Comes Could Save Your Life
Preppers always look ahead to prepare for storms on the horizon – and next year’s bouts of cold weather is no different. Now is the time to get your wood reserves cut and stacked in order to give it ample time to season for winter.

The 6 Most Popular Types of Fuel to Store for Emergencies
Having emergency fuel sources on hand can be a life saver. Here are the top six fuel sources to consider with emergency planning.

Fatwood: The Quick and the Tender
Fatwood is one of the easiest ways to get a fire lit – even in wet conditions. This natural fire starter is made from the resinous remains of a pine tree that has died. Learn more on how to locate and harvest fatwood.

The Many SHTF Uses for Alcohol
Alcohol is a very valuable commodity that has many uses now and will be invaluable during a long-term disaster. When used responsibly and safely, it can give you a powerful edge with everything from powering engines, to making medicines and even starting a fire.

Turn a Car Battery Into an Emergency Power Source For the Home
Prepare and plan for the emergencies that you may be able to forecast for your own home in the midst of a disaster and lay in your tools and supplies.

When it Hits the Fan Most Won’t Be Able to Take a Warm Shower… But Here’s How You Will.
It is important to continue regular hygiene habits during an emergency to prevent sanitation-related diseases. In a pinch, water can be heated outside using a solar vehicle visor. This set up can be used to create an outdoor showering area.