Are You Ready

When Officials Say The Infection Rate of Ebola is “2” Be Afraid

The problem with this is that no country on the planet has the facilities to check out every person who reports suffering from a sore throat and general malaise. People are going to slip through the net and it’s at this point that an epidemic of Ebola is most likely to occur.


When Seconds Count: How Storm Chasers Lead Community Relief Efforts in the Aftermath of Disasters

“In the end, it’s about helping people.”

Ebola lockdown

When Should I Go Into a Full Pandemic Lockdown Mode And Self Quarantine?

Some of the key questions facing concerned citizens revolve around the concepts of self quarantine and social distancing. When do you make the call to bug in or bug out? When do you stop going to work out of concern of being exposed to a virulent disease? When should I put my self and family into full pandemic lockdown mode?

cdc issues a checklist for ebola preparedness

When the CDC Tells Us to Prepare for the Ebola Pandemic, Things Are About to Get Real

The World Health Organization and other agencies have gone to great lengths to avoid releasing information that might cause a panic. You can bet that if they’ve gone so far as to issue this warning, things are about to get real.

trucks under colorful sky

When the Trucks Stop Delivering, ‘The System’ Will Collapse

When the trucks in America stop, all commerce and delivery stops with it.

head trauma

When There Is No Doctor: Caring for Head Trauma

Here’s the “head’s up” on head trauma and how to treat it, as well as some pointers on “using your noggin” to provide first aid to someone who suffers a head injury.


Why Drinking More Water During Winter Is Crucial to Your Survival

You could be putting your health at risk during winter if you aren’t drinking more of this.


Why Hawaii Might Be The Worst Place To Live If The SHTF

How should Hawaiians be preparing for major disasters, like nuclear war or an EMP? It’s a question that isn’t brought up very often in the prepper community, but it should be.


Why This Winter Could be the Perfect Storm for a SHTF Emergency + 10 Must-Have Preps

With the foreign, domestic and economic events playing out, this winter could be a disaster! So what does this have to do with winter? Everything. Everything you can imagine. All the supplies in the world won’t do you any good if you have no way to heat your home, cook your food, and stay warm at night. Here are 10 must-have preps to get ready for a winter emergency.

walking dead

Why Walking Dead Doesn’t Understand Human Nature

The biggest mistakes this show makes, is failing to portray just how good people are at working together, and completely underestimating our ability and desire to rebuild civilization.

tattered american flag

Will The United States Government Survive When the SHTF?

If you ask me, it looks like our government would crumble at every level if faced with a widespread disaster, and they may not be able to recover from it after the fact.


Winter Storm Warning: Are You Ready to Get Snowed In?

Now that winter has made it’s way into your neck of the woods, it’s time to get prepared for being snowed in.

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