When the Trucks Stop Delivering, ‘The System’ Will Collapse

Tess Pennington | Comments (128) | Reader Views (47062)

Collectively speaking, most Americans take for granted the system in place to deliver essential supplies to their area. “The system,” an underlying infrastructure that keeps goods, services and commerce in America flowing creates a sense of normalcy and order. Food, water, gasoline and medications are just a few of the items restocked weekly in order for our dependent society to maintain a steady flow. What many fail to grasp is just how fragile the system is and just how quickly it can collapse.

Our transportation systems are one of the weakest links in the system. Mac Slavo explains:

A 2012 report prepared for legislators and business leaders by the American Trucking Associations highlights just how critical our just-in-time inventory and delivery systems are, and assesses the impact on the general population in the event of an emergency or incident of national significance that disrupts the truck transportation systems which are responsible for carrying some ten billion tons of commodities and supplies across the United States each year.

A shutdown of truck operations as a result of elevated threat levels, terrorist attacks, or pandemics would, according to the report, have “a swift and devastating impact on the food, healthcare, transportation, waste removal, retail, manufacturing, and financial sectors.

So too would events such as an EMP attack or a coordinated cyber-attack that could shut down global positioning systems and the computers responsible for inventory control.

The report goes on to explain that consumer fear and panic will exacerbate shortages. News of a truck stoppage—whether on the local level, state or regional level, or nationwide—will spur hoarding and drastic increases in consumer purchases of essential goods. Shortages will materialize quickly and could lead to civil unrest.

What the following graphic will demonstrate is just how quickly the descent will be. When the trucks in America stop, all commerce and delivery stops with it.

To avoid falling into this recipe for disaster, use the information presented in this graphic as a guideline to being self-reliant. Listed within the graphic are critical supplies that will disappear off the shelves at the first signs of this disaster. These are the items you want to stock up on before the trucks stop delivering. Many items such as powdered milk and canned meat are versatile supplies that can be used for short-term and long-lasting disasters. When I wrote The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster, I emphasized the importance of having a well-rounded preparedness plan that encompasses many different types of emergency scenarios. This essential survival guide stresses how important is to have plans and supplies in place in order to be better prepared for the disasters that are on the horizon.

  •  Create a food pantry. Creating a food supply is very beneficial to your budget. It is an investment into your future livelihood. One thing analysts and financial pundits agree on is that, in general, commodities will continue to rise. When others are buying foods at inflated prices, you will be consuming your investment when it was purchased at a lower price. Using a combination of shelf stable foods, you can create a well-rounded food supply to depend on when an emergency arises.
  • Store water. We need water to survive – and our preps should reflect this important need. An aspect that I love the most about preppers is that we love to have back ups for our back ups. Having a short-term water supply that you regularly rotate into your kitchen will ensure you have a freshwater source to turn to during a short lived emergency. As well, having filtration systems and portable water purification tools will ensure you can purify water for longer term purposes.
  • Attain needed supplies. If you are dependent on certain medications or supplies you need for your daily living, make sure you have enough to see you through a short-term disaster. The more supplied you are, the less you will have to leave your home during the emergency. As well, look into natural alternatives for medications.
  • Preserve your wealth. Choose hard assets (dry goods, precious metals, land, livestock, skills, etc.) for long term investments so they will hold their intrinsic value over time. Holding these types of investments will insulate you from inflation and other economic issues. Further, by tying your money up in assets it will help you avoid spending the money, thus furthering your cause of self-reliant living.
  • Become a neo-pioneer! Carve a path in life where you are no longer dependent on consuming at stores to live. Garden and grow your own food, raise livestock, learn skills to live self-reliantly, barter for goods and services.

The above graphic is a reminder of how fast our population can breakdown and quickly spiral into a disaster of epic proportions. But surviving during this type of scenario is possible by simply preparing for it ahead of time.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jul 11, 2015

128 thoughts on “When the Trucks Stop Delivering, ‘The System’ Will Collapse”

    1. Absolutely, if you would like a repeat of Katrina, go ahead. How about a FEMA camp while your at it? Who in their right mind can do that? On the ones with no preparation at all will be there and what a circus that will be.

    2. The truckers must use an electronic e-log. They are required to rest after so many hours. They can not drive all night long just to deliver you green beans. Some truckers get paid by the mile. Being stuck in traffic does not move the odometer. There fore, no miles – no pennies. Now the e-log has run out and even though the driver has moved maybe $5 in pay down the street( lets say 50 cents per mile they make), they must now pull over for their 10 hour rest. So, delivering you some green beans is as the old saying goes ; the juice is not worth the squeeze. Truckers should be paid fairly and more people would drive truck.

  1. Illini Warrior

    It doesn’t even need to be a huge SHTF of any kind …. take a handful of snipers and start peppering trucks on the city’s xways …. see how quik the delivery system shuts down ….

    1. quicker than that would be cut the power. The grid is fed by a few main feed lines and when overload comes they should disconnect automatically and need to be verified that everything is intact before it is brought back on line The grid must also be kept in sync or current goes where it isnt supposed to and voltage spikes will take out equipment. The towers are the most vulnerable and with just a few key cities the panic would set in in less than three days. The stores would be looted for they cant sell anything because they have no power to operate the computers and the plastic money wont work. You are so correct for just interrupt the refineries and we are done. Are you telling everyone? do they believe you? Good luck for no one listens to this old foggie.

        1. We have had trial attacks on the grid. does our government trust us with this information? No. We are the stupid working class that must be ruled. In reality the people with these degrees in underwater basket weaving who think they are the ruling class and thus have all the answers cant see that with millions of eyes we could spot these terrorists and stop a major event before it starts. Our government would rather be reactive than predictive for it actually takes planning and thought. With the disaster they can blame others, which they do quite well and they can demand new assaults on our rights to “protect America” People have no Idea of what it would take to get a grid up and running with a large amount of physical damage. We have no standard design for any substation. To build a custom transformer would take months. Then to get it where we need it would take trucks. and to build it would take power. A catch 22 and the costs are prohibitive to make them ahead of time. Not many would understand your concept of your wrench Unfortunately.

          1. Don’t we have China making our transformers? Gee, how long you think it’ll take to get a few over here? Don’t hold your breath!

          1. As an electrical contractor for over thirty years and have had training in electronics in the Navy yes I do have an idea for it takes only a satellite photo from Google and knowing the size and route of high voltage towers one could easily get to a tower base the use of a directional charge would pull at least one down. The overload would trigger the automatic disconnect from the system. several done at the same time, timed with cell phone could take out quite an area. Hit the weakest link with the most sites to protect. Towers are built to balance stresses it wouldn’t take a large charge to take out a primary strut or even bend it and the weight becomes unbalanced and falls. I see a problem dont you?

          2. This problem has existed since the Tesla grid started. Edison’s grid never got out of the city, or off of telephone poles and such structures. Now that we have the technology to bury these high voltage distribution lines, IMO, it would pay to bury all future ones. Since the development of wind power farms is challenging the capacity of the existing grid, and those building the farms are resistant to paying for the cost of the lines to carry their power to where it is wanted, it is unlikely that the technology that could solve the problem is likely to be applied.
            Yes, it is a problem, but not for me. I have been off all grids since the mid 80’s, and really couldn’t care less if the dilapidated mess we have allowed to evolve were to fail, plunging the mass of educated ignorants back into the stone age, where they are bound to find themselves. Everything mankind has built has failed, eventually. Our social systems have been designed to meet the needs of the lowest common denominator, and they will prevail in the absence of the ascendance of a new literati.

          3. I agree As an electrical contractor I see the problem more than anyone. Your reason for going off grid is valid and your chances for survival are great. it however doesn’t insure that you will survive. We will see thousands who will try to take what you have and by law of averages some will make it to you and will be determined to get what you have. They have no thought or planning of what they will do after they fill their belly and quench their thirst for they haven’t and fail to see tomorrow. if you can stay invisible for a month or two you will make it but when people are hungry and have guns they think that it will solve their problems. I have tried to tell my family but they wont listen so you will need to shoot them if they come. Myself i am too old and infirm to matter I have enough pain meds to give me a peaceful end and then my inlaws and outlaws can fight over what little I have and then eat each other. I hope you and your make it for we need stable people to survive and show others the way.

          4. Wow, that’s tellin it like it is, huh? Sad, but true? Sorry to hear it…but maybe things will change for the better for ya…you never know…

      1. But it’s usually grandma and grandpa that knows best. They’ve been there and done that. These younger people haven’t so they need to learn the ropes from the older generations. They better listen or they’re gonna find themselves up a creek without a paddle.

        1. I was lucky I had a mother who with only a third grade education had more skill and common sense than both houses of government. she taught me to use my head and hands. I wasnt without correction for she was highly skilled in applying the razor strap. But I would walk barefoot in a mile of broken glass to spend ten minutes with her.

          1. I lost my mother in 2004, she was 83.5 long life for her. Our relationship was bitter-sweet and not good enough that I would do what you would do. I would do that for my grandmother, but not for my mom.
            But, I spent more time with granny than I did with mom growing up.
            I understand though and am sorry for your lost.

          2. A mother is not always the one who gives you birth. We must learn to live in this world. We have two problems We have our young who dont want to learn and we dont have the teachers with insufficient knowledge to teach them. We have let many skills decay and we will need them soon. It will be the ones who have kept these skills alive that will survive. The nation will collapse and it wont be the lack of power that kills us. The zombie movies come close and the zombie will want food but when it is gone? what will they eat?

          3. The learners are far more essential than the teachers, human beings being completely capable of autodidactics, given the knowledge base.
            Many years ago I taught an electronics course in an unaccredited adult education school (Denver Free University). I started out with a dozen students and shut it down when my last student had to quit due to life getting in the way. I typed my own single page lessons for each weeks class, and has just starting to deal with lumped reactances when it ended. My most important observation was that the majority just wanted to know how to hook up their stereos, not really caring how they worked. I found the same situation when I worked in a RadioShack for two months.

          4. right grandpa ovomit/satan the usurp and agenda21{new world order} who are the bilderberrys soros the british royalty the dark money billionairs.add ovomit allowing open borders to saturate the usa with illegals{means against the law}aliens/drug cartels/muslum terrorists.and there push for common core and pre-k so they can indoctrainate the young children into becomming good little goose stepping brown shirts.and why ovomit pushing his tpp so we can loose our soverignty.add the bought and paid for treasonous medias.stir all bristly and you have socialism/communism.and i almost forget the cair group which is a frt for the muslum brotherhood terrorists.and with valerie jarret,and hillarys assistant abu abedin.keith ellison .there our multiple muslum terrorists training camps in maine dearborn michigan upstate ny near hancock,and in dallas where the 4 lying muslums lied and said they were lawyers,to bring in there muslum tribunal and in irving where the muslum terrorists tryed to intimidate the city council and bring in there muslum sharia garbage.read these books the muslum mafia adios america,and walter lippmanns public opinion.stay alerted/focused/prepared.god bless all legal americian veterans/citizens

          5. Yup, there’s more muslims in michigan, than anywhere else. I keep up with that subject. Have many articles pertaining to that. The scary part is that there’s a training camp in my state of SC. It’s in York. If anyone wants to know if there’s a training camp in your state..let me know.

        2. yep, grandma and grandpa know best, if you still have them living, honor them, love them, take care of them, BUT ABOVE ALL LISTEN TO THEM!!! they are full of knowledge that just might save your life!!! they have been thru it all……take care, everyone….

    2. Timothy Milhomme

      What a surprise it will be when the truck drivers organize a team of very lethal x military and hunt down those idiots peppering the trucks. See how fast that crap gets shut down. When the financial system fails will be the only excuse I need to stop working. I’m not here collecting for the Red Cross.

      1. It eill only take the closing of the refineries to bring this nation down. It can be done with cutting the electrical feeders to them.

      1. answer: one shot, one kill for those that know how. Being arrogant is not wise, much better to adhere to a Gray Man philosophy.

      1. Timothy Milhomme

        If you don’t believe it will I won’t waste my time explaining why. But it isn’t if it is when and nobody can give an exact date but anyone that can understand ( know ) history will understand why.

        1. It’s been sliding down a hill since the creation of the Fed, and I don’t see any reason to believe it will change from being a slide into a fall. Collapse indicates a fall. I can’t clearly understand your last sentence, but I think you are saying that we can’t know for sure?

          1. Timothy Milhomme

            What I meant in my last sentence was every time a fiat currency was used the monitary system of that country failed. The U.S. will experience the same fate. When not if and again no one knows when .

          2. The problem comes with determining when the failure has occurred because of the highly subjective meaning of that to each individual. Those who are prepared need not worry about when it will fail, because it won’t for them, as compared to those who will be caught by surprise and will lose everything they own to the banksters and/or the looters. Even if failure, as one might define it, doesn’t come, the greater security of living in a state of preparedness will enhance one’s peace of mind.

  2. AtomicMetroid

    This is why states must secede from the yankee zio loons and become self-contained. We should be growing and building what we use.

      1. AtomicMetroid

        Wait & see. Texas secedes first. Then dozens follow. The country hates you. You will not use our tax money or natural resources anymore. You will not pervert our societies anymore. You will not have us all in debt. We cannot live together anymore. You are done. Take your federal reserve and Hollywood and cram it!

        1. Timothy Milhomme

          Can you explain the Yankee part. I agree with you on the fed . Hollywood will go away when everyone understands they’re paying money to watch propaganda but I still don’t get the Yankee crap ?

          1. AtomicMetroid

            Yankees and their hatred for country folks has ignited something terrible. In my town confederate flags went up everywhere. There are now rebel flags on billboards. People are talking openly about seceding and how they are sick of TV, music, movies(the yankee mind-set). I’ve never seen ppl like this before. Everyone hates Yankees because of their BS against country folks, not to mention all the perversions and war-mongering. Jewish people own and control almost everything(very odd for a microscopic minority). Yankees expect everyone to respect “their” culture/beliefs but have none for ours. We cannot live together anymore. You can live under your own rule. We’ll live under ours. A powder keg is about to ignite.

          2. Timothy Milhomme

            How does the Jews equate to Yankees. You obviously do not understand the divide and conquer thing that is going on. They got you mad at everyone except for the ones you really should be mad at. Them. The way you are explaining yourself is that you should have another war between brothers in this country and tha will fix everything. It’s all the Yankees fault. Ok what ever you say. Good luck.

          3. A Voice in the Wilderness

            luck? yep, I guess that’s what it will take since reason has gone by the way of the Confederate Flag.

          4. Timothy Milhomme

            It’s just the sheep le that are allowing themselves to be manipulated in to worrying about issues that DONT matter so as to keep them from payin attention to the issues that really matter like freedom.

          5. Wow, have you taken your meds today? When the world goes to hell, your gonna be on the wrong side, and not know that the enemy is in this country, and it’s NOT either of THEM! Wake up!

          6. Well, Jews certainly do have a lot of influence, well out of proportion to their numbers. They also have much higher average IQs (114-120 vs. 98-100 for Euro-whites). Smart people always have greater influence, on average, than less intelligent people. Of course, there are exceptions to this, the current occupant of the White House being a prime example, though Obama likely has a slightly higher-than-average IQ, though Michelle brings down the Royal Couple average considerably. But as for Jews “owning everything,” name one so-called Jewish robber-baron in the US or Europe. Historically, Jews have always been numerous in banking, law, and real estate speculation. People have always been suspicious of smarter people who make their money by successfully accessing risk and acting successfully on their assessments. Old JC himself ran around upending the tables of the “money lenders” in Biblical times, to the cheers of the money-borrowers. Of course, everybody hates lawyers and bankers until he needs one.

          7. AtomicMetroid

            Higher IQ?? BS. That’s supremacism and a myth proven wrong. It is evidence of gate-keeping. Since the federal reserve and “holocaust” reperations they have been able to acquire these things. IQ has nothing to do with it. $$$$$$ does. You not see how many of them were caught buying their college stats and degrees??? it is a fact. When a microscopic minority controls all medias, banks, insurance companies, corporations, government, education, etc., etc.. THEN THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG. But don’t worry. It’s all about to be remedied. Texas secedes first then dozens follow. If you think there is nothing wrong with jews owning and controlling everything, then, lemme ask you this: Do you have eyes to see? Do you have ears to hear? Do you have a brain to use as your own? If so, then where is your conscience…..

          8. You might want to verify your “sources.” There’s most definitely a racial pecking order in terms of racial intelligence, just as there is in terms of physical characteristics. This has been known and accurately quantified ever since the development of the now-ancient Stanford-Binet IQ test, the top rung of which is occupied by Askenazi Jews. Interestingly, the Sephardim rank about the average of Euro-whites – they’re also far less resented than the Ashkenazim. Highly intelligent people are commonly resented by less intelligent people, just as wealthy people are often resented by the “po’ peoples.” Black Africans, who developed in an area where the rule was “eat or be eaten,” tend to be fleet of foot, strongly-built, and athletically inclined, thus their gross over-representation in professional athletics. All races and ethnicities and races are most certainly not the same and totally interchangeable – and thank God for that. All have their unique talents and characteristics and all have their potential contributions.

          9. Assuming it’s still available, get a copy of Arthur Jensen’s and William Shockley’s seminal work on race and IQ, The Bell Curve, which was almost hysterically denied by “social scientists” of the time, It proved pretty convincingly, in fact downright conclusively, that there were readily measurable and quantifiable racial and ethnic differences in intelligence, just as there are in physical characteristics. It demonstrated that at the top were Ashkenazi Jews at 114-120 in average IQ, followed by Northeast Asians at around 107, the Euro-whites at 98-100, followed by Amer-Indians at around 90, then American blacks at about 85, with pure native sub-Sahara Africans much lower than that. Of course, the book was greeted almost hysterically by all points on the ideological compass, from dedicated white supremacists such as the KKK, white liberals who insisted that IQ was purely a social construct, and good many Jews who were distinctly uncomfortable being singled out for either criticism or praise, understandable perhaps in view of what happened to them in Hitler’s Germany. Nonetheless, Shockley and Jensen’s conclusions have never been convincingly refuted; they can’t be, being a scientifically and professionally executed compilation of broadly available statistical information. Obviously, within all ethnic or racial groups many individuals fall well outside the averages, either above or below. Thus, all persons of whatever race should be judged on their individual merits as opposed to the averages of whatever group to which they belong.

          10. AtomicMetroid

            Its jewish supremacism. Nothing more. Being smart and buying your way are two different things.

          11. Oh, please, I’m so old I can remember when the onset of summer (the polio season) filled every American mother with dread, and everybody seemed to know somebody whose polio-paralyzed kid was in an iron lung. Dr.Jonas Salk (one of those treacherous Jews) developed the Salk vaccine, which eliminated polio overnight. throughout the US and the world. Without Jewish nuclear physicists we’d not have developed nuclear weapons in time to end WW II, admittedly a development of debatable merit in view of the immediate post-war situation. On balance, smart and successful people always reap the enmity and hostility of less successful people who commonly confuse talent and hard work with cunning and duplicity.

          12. AtomicMetroid

            More jewish lies and jewish supremacism from you. I bet you read your talmud daily.

          13. You sound like one of those strange people who traces every evil in the world to “da Jooz,” whom “everybody knows” spend all their time plotting to take over the world, take all our money, and kidnap our children and sell them to Arab whoremasters.

          14. I can back everything I say with evidence –something that supremacists like you try and ignore. Does the truth hurt?

          15. I find your characterization of me as a “supremacist” rather odd, to say the least, being that I’m a hard-right libertarian who doesn’t want to reign supreme over anybody, be they Papist, Presbyterian, Jew, wog, or wetback. Nor do I want anybody reigning over me, particularly the verminous Democrats. That’s why we have the 2d Amendment.

          16. “In 1977, Dr Jonas Salk, who developed the first polio vaccine, testified
            along with other scientists that mass inoculation against polio was the
            cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961.

            4/4/77 “Abstracts”)

          17. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true. With mass inoculations there generally comes a cross-over point where the risk of contraction from the inoculation actually becomes greater than the risk of not being inoculated. Of course, if refusal to submit to inoculation became widespread, many infectious and deadly diseases could make a sudden and epidemical comeback. Personally, I’ll take my chances with the needle.

          18. “Eliminated polio overnight”? That’s funny! When we sent that vaccine to toehr countries, like the Philipines, which lower rates of Polio than the US, their cases of Polio INCREASED! More people suffered debilitating illnesses from that vaccine, than actually got polio. The reason polio disappeared, was because the conditions and habits which caused it to occur and spread, were cleaned up and eliminated.

            Vaccines are one of the biggest Jewish frauds ever perpetrated on this world!

          19. Well, I have to concede you have a point. Back in the Fifties the streets of America the streets ran with sewage, people routinely shit in their front yards, they rarely bathed, ate rare pork,and garbage collection was an average of once a month. The air was filled with large green flies and mosquitoes and industrial pollution was so bad that you couldn’t see the sun directly overhead on any summer day. The body collectors came around twice a week, shouting, “Bring out your dead, bring out your dead,” just like that Monte Python movie.

          20. Here’s something to make you butt hurt:
            Jesus labeled the jews as the blood of Cain. and lets take a look at their actions throughout history and it confirms it. Jews are the only group of people to have been expelled from almost every country on Earth, and for the same reasons.
            You Zionist Christians have been fooled by the devil. Jews themselves call Christians “useful idiots”. haha
            All religion needs to be flushed. Bunch of war-mongering, murdering, child molesting nutjobs

          21. If you play some Motley Crue records backward, he can talk to you! (I tried it once- and it’s true! I heard the Devil say “:This band sucks!” :D)

          22. Actually, there’s some truth in that, though the near-prohibition regarding marrying outside The Tribe is lessening rather markedly. Now many younger Jews marry outside the Tribe, though this still often upsets the older generations, sometimes extremely so.

          23. That’s some beautiful BS you/re spouting there.

            Those of the Hebrew persuasion don’t score higher on aptitude tests. Check out that FACT.

          24. I don’t know what sources you’re reading, but you, purely and simply, don’t what you’re talking about.

          25. The Ashkenazis most certainly do score higher, an average of 14-20 points higher than the goyim, the Sephardim not so much. Jews totally dominate the 150+ IQ strata. Why does this seem to bother you so much? I rather doubt that the average IQ of 85 with American blacks bothers you at all. And the average IQ of Northeast Asians at around 107 must have you rolling around and drumming your heels on the floor. After all, everybody knows that they “learned everything they know from the white man.” Doubtless you’re also extremely upset that our best grad schools are filled with these treacherous and evil Asiatics.

          26. Let me know when the muslims come knocking on your door, and tell you to “convert or die”. It won’t be long….stay asleep if ya want.

          27. LOL
            You watch too much jewish American news medias. They have you in a panic. haha
            Time to prepare. Major uprisings coming. Civil war is needed. I can’t wait

          28. That one is truly lost….and angry about…something. Also another one of those “it’s all the jews fault” kind of people. Too bad they got the head up their arse…and don’t even realize the real enemy is within. Already!

          29. AtomicMetroid

            Without resources from Appalachia and the south, yes. They would starve and be in the dark.

          30. Actually, those in Appalachia are almost as dependent as those in New England. Those in the south are as engaged in non-edible crops almost as much as they ever have been. They use the longest growing season in the country to grow things humans don’t generally eat. The northeast has spent more time literally in the dark than any other part of the country, and they have excelled in submerging themselves in figurative darkness as well.

        2. You’re right about the coming secession movement – and it will begin with Texas, followed by a mad race to the exits.

          1. Sadly, it’ll never happen- Too many leeches sucking the gov’t teat. Between half the population being on food stamps/medicaid/Socialist Security/Welfare/HUD/WIC/ or working at a gov’t job or in a tax-subsidized industry…..just like in Scotland, they’ll fight to keep their overlords in place, and the system will just keep going till it collapses from it’s own decadence…and then probably be replaced by something even worse. Humans do not have a history of supporting freedom…only tyranny and war.

          2. Well, your last statement is certainly true – the normal human condition is subservience, not freedom. One can reasonably assume that people normally will happily exchange freedom for at least the hope of security. Women in general are far more inclined in this tendency than men. While there are exceptions to the foregoing as generalizations they’re perfectly true. Despite the occasional Madame Curie, Maggie Thatcher,or perhaps Amelia Earhart, men do most of the inventing, discovery, and murder and mayhem. This position. of course, drives committed feminists wild, especially the fact that they know it’s true. Of course, there’s nothing so hotly and indignantly denied as a thoroughly self-evident but perhaps unpleasant (to some) truth.

          3. Men in the Western world have become so efeminized, that one can’t tell the difference many times, anymore. Efeminized men who have become subservient to women- that’s what the “sexual Revolution” produced. Men become mere supplicants for sex; and we end up with a matriarchal society…only in this modern one, the matriarchs no longer want to take care of their kids….and now the men are even being relegated to that.

          4. Maybe so – but the most brutal and murderous police state in human history, the old USSR, collapsed overnight, though Vlad the Impaler is struggling mightily to reassemble it.

          5. Collapse? It didn’t collapse- They got their power firmly established…so they just eased up a hair. Now it’s our turn, here in the USSA- complete with SWAT teams smashing into people’s homes in the middle of the night. Once all the opposition is crushed, and us independent sorts are vanquished, they’ll ease up a bit, too. Just like in the socialist countries of Europe…there’s no armed citizenry left; no resistence; they can collect their 50% taxes and regulate every aspect of your life…so they can now act a little more friendly…unless of course, you step out of line.

  3. when the trucks stop hmmmmm….some of the idiots that truckers have to put up with on the road..and the asinine politicians that make crazy laws seem to not think that trucks are important.

  4. Oh, woe and despair! I just can’t take it anymore! Is there no end to these potentially catastrophic doomsday scenarios. I once knew a dedicated prepper, whom I was unable to resist needling. When he said, “You’ll stop laughing when the SHTF!” I replied, “Why? I’ve got plenty of guns and ammunition. I’m just come and take all your stuff.”

      1. Actually, nothing’s going to work out, because nothing’s going to happen, at least within my now rather limited remaining years. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have go our into the yard and complete the minefield I’m laying to keep out designated minority members who are plotting to make off with my food and liquor supplies.

        1. Timothy Milhomme

          You are just an amazing person. Your are clairvoyant on top of being so smart. I know, you were part of the shuttle program and when they shut that down you decided to come on to this venue and grace everyone with your intelligence. Thank you so much. Your are too kind.

          1. You’re quite right – from time to time I deign to share some of these pearls with the legions of the Great Unwashed (Sigh!). Truly, it gets so lonely at the top of the intellectual food-chain, and having to cast these rare and insightful gems before such unappreciative swine is truly dispiriting.

            Obviously, I jest, though I always enjoy good and thoughtful commentary from any quarter or perspective.

      1. Well, I must say that was a well-reasoned if rather incongruous and incomprehensible comment. Were you Harvard, Yale, perhaps MIT…..?

  5. Yep. I’m amazed, every time I go to the supermarket to shop for my household (just me) and my mother’s (just her) at how sparse the stock of normal staple foodstuffs are! Oftentimes, they may only have 2 or 3 of a specific item- and I’ll buy all of them, and then the shelf is empty; oftentimes, the shelf will be empty when I get there. This, in a town which serves as the shopping area for a three county rural area….. It’s hard to get what you need when everything’s fine…imagine if there is so much as a slight hiccup in the system?! It’s practically like a shortage NOW…. One hiccup…and the shelves will be empty within an hour.

    Seems like back in the 60’s and 70’s, before bar-codes and computerized inventory, stores were stocked a lot better. As a kid back then, I always remember the shelves being stocked abundantly with everything. (Not to mention, that there was far more real food available- as opposed to now, when more and more real food/staple items are being pushed out for more processed convenience crap!)

    I agree that it’s not going to take a SHTF situation… The system is degrading, little by little, continually. Dying a slow death. Sooner or later it will reach the tipping point. We’re getting close to that point now.

  6. daveycrockett

    I can see it now, some dude wearing a bow tie will show up at your door with a clip board and say – Hi, I’m from the government and I’m here to help. Shortly thereafter, when you find yourself on board a bus headed for a fema camp, you’ll find out the help he extended was to put you in an oven. Or, maybe you will be a good inmate and volunteer to grease the skids on the guillotines, that may buy you a bit of time, not much.

  7. warmwxrules .

    I doubt the crash will happen overnight…its going to be a long drawn out event that will take decades. As long as the oil continues to flow, i see no issues. Oil=food. Oil=dollars…its all about oil.

  8. A Voice in the Wilderness

    Think agenda…is this in the agenda? I don’t think so. More like next thing will be the alleged mass shooting by a Bible Thumper. A couple of those and they can start shutting down the churches.

  9. Once people figure out how bad the citys are.They will clog the hiways trying to escape to the woods.The trucks will get stuck in the resulting cluster. People are animals and will feed on one anouther,In many ways. If you have a place you think you are going to escape to,You should already be there. Don’t wait till its to late.

  10. I do follow the sheeple site and try to contribute. My biggest problem is the pain medications I must take daily for a damaged back I received by an idiot texting while driving and hit me while crossing the street. I fear that sometimes I may sound like an imbecile when I need to take the meds. It impairs my thinking and responses. If I do go off track I would welcome a correction for I need many stable people watching so I dont make a fool of myself. Any information you think I can contribute just ask my address is nm4now@yahoo.com i keep data from many sites that disappear frequently so if I have it I will share. This is the one way I can help so I will for as long as I can.

    1. I’m getting up there in the 60 range myself. And I do exactly what you do! I keep many websites on important subjects, and when my favorites online get too full, I put them on a USB. Got a 16gb about full now. Just need to hurry and get a faraday cage of some sort to put it in now, in case of a solar flare, or EMP (more likely?)

      1. Harry "Deplorable" Merkin

        I never thought about saving THE ENTIRE WEBSITE. Brilliant. I have a brand new 128 gig USB I need to start filling.

        1. Yup, websites, documents, videos, music….you can keep any and everything on one of those…
          Wow, a 128gb usb? You picked a big one to try to fill up!

  11. Joan,

    Thank you so much for doing the research that I clearly missed. 🙂 I’ll update the article with the link. Thanks again!


  12. How about a major earthquake on the New Madrid Fault, which collapses every bridge across the Mississippi between Dubuque and Vicksburg, as well as every Ohio River bridge as far as Louisville if not Cincinnati, and every highway and rail bridge as far west as Springfield and Columbia? The big cities of the East Coast from Richmond up to Maine would be out of most food within 3 days. It might take a couple months to get any kind of highway or rail access back up and running into St.Louis and other nearby cities within a 200-250 mile radius.

    The same thing would happen with any big West Coast quake too, as there are only a few routes east-west into that area and all would have collapsed bridges and suffer huge rockslides as well as potentially the loss of any shelf portions of roads or railroads, along with collapsed tunnels too. Any big quake on the West Coast might suffer tsunami damage too. The same rule of thumb there is true too. You had better have at-least 2-3 months worth of food and water on-hand plus an ability to cook food and boil water using bottled gas too. A generator and plenty of fuel would be a big help though only use it when necessary, and stockpile as much in the way of medical supplies as necessary too.

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