In a post-SHTF world, all bets are off. The world you would find yourself in is unpredictable at best. So what would you do if you were taken captive? Your only option would be to find a way to escape.
Are You Ready
3 ‘Powerful’ Things You Can Do NOW To Prepare For A Future Grid Failure
In the event of a grid failure, would you be prepared? Many who prep save extra food and water, but have no idea what actually going “off the grid” would entail. But there are some tips and tricks to preparing so you don’t find yourself or your family at the whims of those currently running the political system.
These Are the Diseases That Will Run Rampant When the SHTF
f you find yourself if a long-term disaster, you may think that violence will be the most likely way to die. But Mother Nature has plans of her own.
Every Prepper Should Have Multiple Bug-Out Bags. Here’s Why.
The you-know-what can hit the fan when you least expect it to and having multiples of your most essential items will ensure you have all you need no matter where you are.
When Seconds Count: 5 Items for Quick-Action Response
Emergencies can spring up in seconds. When they do, those seconds count! These are a few things you can tote around with you in a jacket or cargo pocket that will give you an immediate edge when a situation arises that calls for you to work on it immediately.
Urban Disasters: Have These 20 Items On You If You Want to Make It Home
If an emergency occurred while you were at work, would you be equipped to handle the ordeal?
Are You Ready Series: Rolling Blackouts
The grid’s aging infrastructure, combined with a rise in domestic electricity consumption and extreme weather issues has forced experts to critically examine the status and health of the nation’s electrical systems. Rolling blackouts will no longer be a phenomenon, but a regular occurrence.
The Video Carjackers Don’t Want You To See
In times of crisis, you have to face to fact that people will kill you for what you have, and will do anything they can to get you out of your car – even trick you.
Land Navigation: Finding Your Way in an Urban Environment SHTF Style
An urban environment is the most challenging of all places, because of the amount of people you’ll have to deal with and the number of confusing (and dangerous) situations that will arise when the SHTF.
Donating During a SHTF Emergency
Disasters bring out the very best and the very worst in people. Learn about the dangers that exist in donating during this chaotic time and how to do it while maintaining OPSEC.