Emergency Checklists

How to be a prepper

How to be a Prepper…But Not One of Those Crazy Ones

Did you ever think about dipping your big toe into the waters of “prepping” but it just all sounded so “out there” that you weren’t quite sure it was something you wanted to be involved in? Then this is the guide for you.

safe room

How to Create a Safe Room in Your House or Apartment

Safe rooms aren’t just for the rich and famous. Even the most humble home or apartment can have on a place to which vulnerable family members can retreat if they are under threat.

Prepping for Civil Unrest and Martial Law

Lessons from Ferguson: Prepping for Civil Unrest and Martial Law

Watch and learn from the events in Ferguson, because this type of chaos could be coming to a city near you.

Getting ready for lockdown in the event of an Ebola pandemic

Prepping for an Ebola Lockdown: No one goes out, no one comes in

Are you prepared to go into lockdown mode if the Ebola virus begins to spread across the country?

The 5 Most Expensive Preps I Own

Many readers have been curious as to which preparedness items my family has invested in. Here are the five most expensive, least expensive and homemade preps anyone can make.

survival cache

What’s Missing From Your Survival Cache Could Be Your Greatest Mistake

Survival caches can help you stay alive while on the road to a safer destination. However, some of you may be missing these fundamental prepping tools in your survival cache.

cdc issues a checklist for ebola preparedness

When the CDC Tells Us to Prepare for the Ebola Pandemic, Things Are About to Get Real

The World Health Organization and other agencies have gone to great lengths to avoid releasing information that might cause a panic. You can bet that if they’ve gone so far as to issue this warning, things are about to get real.

Winter is coming. Prep your vehicle for emergencies.

Winter is Coming: Getting Your Vehicle Prepped for Emergencies

In any scenario, calling for help should never be your only plan. You should always be prepared to save yourself.

summer checklist

Summer Checklist for a Safe and Happy Home

Summer comes with a season-specific checklist for household safety. Take advantage of the longer days and a less intense schedule and go through these 6 tips to keep your household organized, safe, and de-cluttered in the summer months.

According to the 2019 Hurricane Forecast, as many as 14 tropical storms are predicted this year.  It could be a destructive hurricane season and based on the forecast, two to four of the projected storms are expected to turn into serious large-scale hurricanes. If you live in a hurricane danger zone, the real question is: are you prepared?

Are You Prepared? 2019 Hurricane Forecast Predicts as Many as 14 Storms This Year!

According to the 2019 Hurricane Forecast, as many as 14 tropical storms are predicted this year.  It could be a destructive hurricane season and based on the forecast, two to four of the projected storms are expected to turn into serious large-scale hurricanes. If you live in a hurricane danger zone, the real question is: are you prepared?

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