
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

grown your own pantry

6 Essential Food Types To Grow Your Own Food Pantry

Commercial food sources have become contaminated with genetically-modified foods, hormones/antibiotics, pesticides and neurotoxins. This is no way to keep your family healthy. Your food pantry should be stocked with healthy foods, and growing them yourself may be the only option left.


6 Lessons to Learn from the Oroville Dam Disaster

The Oroville dam disaster is a reminder of how important it is to be prepared and to be able to react at a moments notice.

6 Signs you May be an Übermensch

The Übermensch, or Overman, is the primordial prodigy, the interdependent-self, the chameleon of the human condition, the epistemological elite longing to emerge. Do you have these six characteristics?

6 Simple Techniques to Organize Your Preps

As reassuring as it is to have long term supplies in case of a disaster, organizing it is another story. These quick and easy tips will help a person create a storage area that is both functional and pleasing to eye.


6 Ways to Recycle Water

Water is an important part of our lives, and something we take for granted. Learnings ways to conserve water will help during droughts, economic hardships, keeping the utility bill down and conserving our vital natural resources. Here are 6 ways to conserve water from the home.


7 Crazy Reasons Why Most Americans Think Prepping is a Stupid Idea

I have a fear of ventilation. Not the kind in my home HVAC unit. The kind from lead passing through my body. I had a friend who was ventilated by some grudge-holding thug.


7 Fundamental Requirements for Cold Weather Injuries

Your survival in the outdoors may depend on you mastering these parameters for treating cold weather injuries.

7 Improvised Defense Weapons That Could Save Your Life

Let’s say you’re unarmed – no firearms or blades, and you can’t escape. What now? These seven improvised objects could save your life.


7 Off-grid Projects for Survivalists

When you get disconnected from the grid, your gadgets will become useless once they are drained of their batteries. Here are 7 projects that can be helpful if you are planning to go completely or partially off-grid.


7 Reasons to Always Carry a Knife (and none of them are for self defense)

There are lots of reasons to use a knife for protection, hunting, fishing, and other survival purposes, but they are useful for so much more, too.


7 SHTF Reasons Why Sunflowers Are a Multi-Purpose Prep

Growing these seeds will help you create the sustainable environment you are working toward. Here are six ways the sunflower can be beneficial in a long-term emergency.


7 Tips for First-Time Preppers

Here are seven tips for the first-time prepper. It’s worthwhile for an experienced prepper to work through these tips too, so everyone has the same base of knowledge and is as prepared as possible.

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