
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

Finding Your Way: Land Navigation Series, Part 1 – The Pace Count

Your pace count is your key to movement and land navigation on your feet. It is the basis for your two components of land navigation when traveling from one location to another: distance and direction.


Firearm Training: How Draw Drills Will Sharpen your Handgun Combat Skills

All the certifications in the world are no substitute for the basic fundamentals of marksmanship and the ability to employ them.


First Locally Transmitted Zika Cases Confirmed in the U.S.

We’re going to be living with the impending threat of a Zika epidemic for a very long time.


First Things First: Key Questions Facing The Beginning Prepper

As Norse Prepper points out in the article below, one of the key motivators for ramping up your personal larder, supplies and skill sets is to avoid ever putting yourself and family into a situation where you are left with no choice but to tell your loved ones that you’re, “going to get us some food and will return with it or die trying.” In a scenario like that your odds of survival diminish significantly.

Preparedness Foods Shopping List

First Time Shopping List For An Emergency Food Supply

Disaster professionals with FEMA and the American Red Cross recommend that every family have a reserve and short-term food supply. Most everything you need is available from your local grocery store!

multiple websites list as public domain from the European Space Agency

Five Apocalyptic Events the Human Race Managed to Survive

Looking back through history, there have been so many cataclysmic events that were responsible for killing millions of people, some of which almost brought us to extinction.

duct tape wikimedia

Five Awesome Alternatives to Duct Tape

Sometimes we’re faced with certain challenges that demand a specific tool perfectly suited for the task. If that’s ever the case, you’ll be glad you had one of these superior alternatives to duct tape.

multitool shovel

Five Awesome Multitools That Can Get You Through Anything

Multitools fill a very important niche in our lives, especially for those of us who are preppers.

solar-5 solar usb

Five Brilliant Gadgets for the High Tech Prepper

If approached with respect and moderation, our gadgets can make a huge difference in any survival situation.


Five Components Determine How Healthy You Are

If you’re neglecting any of these areas in your health; if the shtf, you won’t be ready to respond.

multicolored thread

Five Essential Tools for Fixing Your Clothes on the Cheap

Sometimes quality and appearance aren’t at the top of our priorities, and we need to get things fixed fast and cheap.

stock market

Five Fascinating Signs That Indicate a Recession Is Imminent

The world can be a hell of a scary place sometimes, and having an idea of what the future may hold can be a lifesaver.

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