Hi-tech handicaps affect many key aspects of survival, including short-term or long-term survival due to a natural or man-made disaster.
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.
It Has Begun: Wise Up and Stock Up as Food shortages and Price Hikes Are Coming Before the Years End
It’s time we all woke up to what is happening. It’s highly likely that certain foodstuffs will be in short supply by the end of this year. What is available is going to be a good deal more expensive than it is now. Many will not be able to afford the prices asked for basic commodities.
It Needs to be Said: Preparedness IS A Normal Way of Life
The label “prepper” shouldn’t even exist; it should be a way of life for everyone who lives in a sane civilization.
It Tastes Just Like Chicken!
When providing food for your family in a survival situation, think outside the box.
It’s Time to Prepare for the Worst – Upcoming Internet Surrender Threatens Constitutional Freedoms
The upcoming surrender of the internet on October 1, 2016 marks a dark day in the fight to maintain our Constitutional rights. Before that date arrives, be ready with a backup for all of your information on jump drives and hard copy and prepare for the worst-case scenario.
It’s Time To Become A ‘Jack Of All Trades’
What we need to be doing is looking at history, looking at the way the old timers did things. How they repaired and maintained what they had. How they cleared land and repaired buildings and buggies.
James Rawles: Salt Will Be The #1 Bartering Item
Salt is a valuable commodity that could become hard to come by in a long term disaster situation. In Ancient Rome, salt was used as a form of currency because of it’s importance in preserving food. In fact, it is still used today as a form of currency in some parts of Africa.
Jumpstart Your Garden: Regrow Vegetable Food Scraps
Try out these simple kitchen-back-to-garden tricks just for the experience or to boost your food production and shorten the cycle of germination–to–dinner plate.
Junctional Tourniquets Can Be a Lifesaver. Here’s How They Work
There are certain parts of the body that you simply can’t apply an ordinary tourniquet to.
Just How Unhealthy And Unsafe Are Disaster Shelters?
Even though FEMA has come out and said they are not efficient nor are they even effective at helping people, most just don’t seem to care, and won’t until it is too late. And a shelter may not have conditions that are any better.
Just In Time: When the Trucks Stop, America Will Stop (With Immediate and Catastrophic Consequences)
Very few have considered the complexity involved in the underlying infrastructure that keeps goods, services and commerce flowing. Fewer still have ever spent the time to contemplate the fragility of these systems or the consequences on food, water, health care, the financial system, and the economy if they are interrupted.
Is This the Toughest Rifle Ever Made?
It is very cheap, and it is arguably one of the toughest guns ever made.