
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.


Planting a Perennial Veggie Plot Makes Sense

At Knowle Cottage, we had two veggie plots, one which we managed traditionally and the other that other than keeping weed free and thinning as needed was pretty much left to its own devices.


Popular Hollywood Hallucinogenic Plant Could Have Dangerous Side Effects

In this light, many times some of these exotic herbs have been used for innocuous or innocent purposes with well-meaning, and through no fault of their own, people have gotten hurt or worse.


Post-Collapse Bartering: This Overlooked Item Will Be a High Commodity

In a post-collapse scenario, everything will appreciate in value – even our trash. Having a stash of different forms of metal could be very valuable barter items. Read more here!

post collapse health

Post-Collapse Health: Vitamin Deficiencies and Nutritional Shortages

In a post-societal collapse, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and nutritional shortages will be very serious challenges to overcome.


Post-Collapse Survival Bartering: 10 Items That Will Be Worth Their Weight in Gold

In a post-collapse society, bartering will be the #1 way to find and obtain needed items. These are the best items to look for in a bartering situation. Make sure you have extra in your prep closet just-in-case you need to barter – they could be worth their weight in gold!

drinking alcohol shtf

Post-Disaster Wellness: Why Drinking Alcohol in High Stress Environments Should Be Avoided

In a post-disaster scenario, your wellness is paramount, and grabbing a drink to deal with stress could have lasting consequences.

snow evacuation

Post-EMP: How to Get Out of Dodge in the Snow

Evacuating during the harsh winter elements is already a difficult feat, but what if you find yourself in a post-EMP environment while driving and have to bug out in the snow? There is no vehicle to comfortably take you to your bug out location. For many, you will be on foot. Do you have the preps and the skills to make this icy trek?


Practice Makes for Perfect Prepping

The potential downfall of many a prepper is overconfidence in their skills and abilities.

global tactical survival kit

Prep of the Month: The Survival Kit That Fits Anywhere! (GIVEAWAY)

Whether you are looking for a lightweight preparedness kit for the car, your family preparedness supplies, or your bug out bag that will have multipurpose tools to use in an emergency, this would be the kit I would recommend.


Prep of the Week: FREE Survival Seeds!

Are you ready to take steps to break free from a dependency-driven system and become a producer instead of a consumer? Here’s your chance!

wise food

Prep of the Week: Get Your Prepper Pantry Stocked Easy with 50% Off on Wise Food

March is a great time to stock up on your pantry goods with deals around the internet. We found this special from Wise Foods that you should take particular interest in.

Prep of the Week: Prepare for the Worst-Case with Top Tier Gear

The folks at Top Tier Gear believe in preparing for the absolute worst-case scenarios and have been stocking items to get preppers ready for nuclear and biological threats, active shooters, and off-grid scenarios. Here’s a sweet deal for Ready Nutrition readers. Check it out!

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