
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.


Survival Uses for Pine Tree Resin You Haven’t Thought Of

Pine resin has many uses, especially in a survival situation. Read more on how to collect, and use of pine resin. It has more uses than you think!


Survival Uses of Everyday Items

Our homes, cars, offices and even dustbins are full of stuff that we barely give a second glance to. Many of those items are multi-purpose and can be used for prepping and/or in situations where our survival is challenged.

SURVIVE ANYTHING! Chapter 1: Nuclear Attack

We’ve all seen movies and read books of nuclear holocaust, and the utter despair it could conceivably initiate. Of course, nuclear attack should not be underestimated, far from it. However, rarely in these films or fictional accounts do you see characters who prepared before hand, who had readied themselves physically and psychologically for the aftermath.

urban ruins

Survive the Collapse of the American Empire with Max Keiser

While the United States has done everything in its power to convince the world and its own citizens, that it’s just a freedom loving democracy or republic, many of us know better.


Surviving a Mad Max World: How To Avoid Marauders and Looters After the Collapse

A mad max scenario is one of the worst-case scenarios one can prepare for. The adage “if you can’t protect you don’t own it” rings true in this case. Long-term survival plans that reflect this type of disaster suggest preppers getting away from urban and suburban living and heading for hills. While this would be the safest option, there are dangers that lurk for those who plan to “live off the land.” Because in a post-collapse world – they will come for all that you own.


Surviving Job Loss

Follow these practical tips on how to survive job loss and learn how to stretch your budget to get the most out of your money.

Surviving Occupied America, Part 2

The time will come when you must choose the easy way or the right thing to do.

survivng outdoors

Surviving Outdoors: 3 of the Most Common Heat-Related Injuries

In a hot, physically-stressful/active environment, it is critical to stay hydrated in order to avoid heat-related illnesses.

camper van

Surviving Poverty Part 1: How to Live in a Van

If homelessness is a real possibility in your life, it’s something that you should be preparing for, not waiting for.

street tent wikimedia

Surviving Poverty Part 2: Staying Warm on the Streets

According to some estimates, as many as 700 homeless people die from hypothermia in America on a yearly basis.

teacher box

Surviving School Shootings with Weapons of Mass Instruction

Locks don’t always stop shooters.Take a tour of one teacher’s classroom who has found a way around the “weapon free” zone to protect his students using makeshift weapons. There should be more teachers like this one!

raising quail

Sustainable Farming: Raising Quail

If you’re trying to get by and want a self-sufficient meat source, but are limited on space or are trying to do it on the sly so your landlord and neighbors won’t find out, quail is an excellent option.

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