
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

First Aid

47 Creative Uses for Self-Aid in Your 10 Piece Kit

The 10 C’s of Survivability should go with you no matter where you’re headed – they can effectively treat each of the most common injuries in a wilderness survival scenario.


49 Outdoor Skills and Projects to Try When Camping

Knowing and actively practicing skillsets are paramount in learning the fine art of being self-reliant. Survival Sherpa, Todd Walker lists 49 outdoor skills to master for outdoor survival.


5 (More) Foods That Last Forever

When planning and storing food for emergencies or survival situations, incorporating foods that will last forever (or at least longer than you will) could help boost your emergency supplies and your bartering power. If stored properly these five foods will last forever, and many of them have several uses beyond human consumption that could give you a hand up should the SHTF!


5 Dangerous Medical Myths That You Don’t Want to Fall For

Most people have a lot of really stupid ideas about what to do during a medical emergency.


Must-Have Survival Kit Items That Won’t Require a Mule for Conveyance

Emergencies are never planned. They just happen. Be prepared by packing these five essentials in all your kits.


5 Factors that Transform Civil Unrest Into a Full-Blown Revolution

“Revolution never comes with a warning,” and this is because it usually seethes on the back burner until the top blows off.

A large oak tree is downed by a storm and falls across a neigborhood street taking electrical wires down with it

5 Known Bug Out Dangers

Each of us want our bug out plans and bug out route to be iron clad. /here are some dangers to consider when it comes to bugging out to keep in mind when making plans.

Ready Nutrition- Likely Hurricane Scenarios To Prepare For Pin

5 Likely Hurricane Aftermath Scenarios To Prepare For

Hurricanes are unpredictable, as anyone who has experienced one knows. This makes them challenging to prepare for, but fortunately, there are things you can do to increase your odds of survival, should one head for your region.

Salt Mines

5 Naturally Occurring Salt Sources For When the SHTF

Salt is a life-saving, multifunctional preparedness item that all households should have stored for long term emergencies. Aside from table salt, there are natural ways of obtaining this essential mineral.


5 of the Most Popular Survival Kits You Can Find

We’ve done some digging and come across some of the best survival kits offered on Amazon, making the purchasing of prepping gear easy. Depending on your needs and the size of your family, consider adding a small kit to your car or splitting up these kits to upgrade your bug out bag or add to your home prepping stash.

first aid dollar photo club

5 Overlooked First Aid Items You Should Add to Your Kit

Band-aids and alcohol wipes are nice, and they’re adequate for most minor scrapes and cuts, but they’re simply not enough for any severe injury.

5 Prepper Firearms to Have When the SHTF

By training with these weapons, you will be familiarizing yourself with firearms you will definitely see in one way, shape, or form in a SHTF scenario.