When it comes to survival, there is nothing more important than a dependable knife.
Reserve Supplies
Three Preps Your SHTF Stockpile Cannot Do Without
We can have all the preps in the world, but without these three items in your stockpile, your prepping is in vain.
The Top 50 Non-Food Stockpile Necessities
When you think about a stockpile, the first thing that comes to mind is food, right? Don’t forget about these non-food stockpile essentials.
When The Meds Run Out, These are The Natural Alternatives That Could Save Your Life
Have you ever wondered what you would do if there were no pharmacy? Having a background in herbal and natural medicine will undoubtedly be a must-have skill to possess. Author and herbalist, Cat Ellis discusses this vast subject and shares information about her popular selling book, Prepper’s Natural Medicine.
When the Lights Go Out: Tips and Tricks for Priming Off-Grid Light Sources
When the lights go out, you want to make sure these off-grid light sources are primed and ready to go!
Food Pantry: Take Care of Your Basic Needs
No matter what stage of life you’re in, it’s always a good time to become more self-sufficient. Here’s how to get started homesteading.
Three Important Considerations of a Good Survival Knife
The tools you carry into a survival situation could make you or break you. Here is a primer on what you need to know to make the best choice for your survival knife.
Video: How To Press Your Own Cooking Oil
Pressing your own vegetable oils is a sustainable way to ensure you have this recommended pantry staple for long-term use.
When the Trucks Stop Delivering, ‘The System’ Will Collapse
When the trucks in America stop, all commerce and delivery stops with it.
Frugal Prepping: 30 Survival Items You Can Get at the Dollar Store
Here’s a way to get a week’s worth of disaster supplies for less than $50. Use these frugal shopping tips, checklists and food calculators to ensure you are prepared for the next disaster.