There are certain skills that seem essential for surviving a catastrophic event, but these are a little surprising!
Do You Know How to Make Fire From Ice?
Trying to make fire from ice isn’t as easy as everyone makes it out to be. It’s not as simple as shaping a piece of ice into a lens and letting the sun shine through it.
5 Steps to Become the Smartest Person in the Woods
I challenge you to try these steps. I guarantee you that you’ll learn something new even if you’re a master woodsman.
Turn a Car Battery Into an Emergency Power Source For the Home
Prepare and plan for the emergencies that you may be able to forecast for your own home in the midst of a disaster and lay in your tools and supplies.
How To Score Free Groceries (Seriously)
Here’s some excellent advice that can help you trim down your grocery bill and provide some extra cash for survival gear or preps you will make in your home.
Seven Essential Books for Rebuilding Civilization
Eventually, we’d have to move beyond survival, and start trying to build a new future for our children. We’d have to start rebuilding civilization.
Blending In: The Secret to Keeping The Target Off Your Back
As the sun sets on America’s affluent lifestyle, it will become more likely that you’ll find yourself in the company of desperate and dangerous people, no matter where you live.
Ambidextrous Shooting: How to Train Your Weaker Hand for a Gunfight
Ambidextrous shooting could give you a survival edge if your dominant shooting hand is injured and your weaker hand must take over. Train today!
7 Ways To Stay Alive in a Post-Collapse Society
Laws and rules is that they only help protect the citizen from the law-abiding citizen: the system focuses on self-discipline and restraint.
A Nifty Tip for Keeping Your House Cool When the Grid Goes Down
In an emergency the Eco-Cooler can reduce the temperature inside your home by about 10 degrees Fahrenheit.