Sustainable Lifestyle

Learn how to reduce your resource consumption and live mindfully for a better future with our sustainable lifestyle resources. Explore our library with information on gardening, homesteading, do-it-yourself projects, repurposing and more to help you live a more sustainable, meaningful lifestyle.

This is a great way to make use all of those gorgeous fall leaves laying around. Let's get sustainable!

Reduce Waste: How To Make The Most Of Your Autumn Leaves

The end of the summer garden is always bittersweet for me. I miss my daily fresh cut lettuce but I also love the falling leaves and bright reds and oranges of autumn. Luckily, those fallen leaves are more than just pleasing to look at. In this helpful guide, we’ll walk you through a few easy ways to use your fallen autumn leaves as a zero waste and cheaper options around your place.


Water Procurement: Setting Up a Low-Budget Water Catchment System and Why It Will Save Your Life

Using the information from Part 1 & 2, the setup of a water system, decontamination station, and rain catchment procedures entailed to blend all parts together.

Grow anywhere! Here are 10 of the best vegetables to plant in your urban garden.

4 Sustainable Practices That Will Make Big Changes!

Whether we are climate change activists or skeptics, we can all agree that we should all be doing our part to leave our Earth in the best condition possible. Sustainability isn’t always the easiest thing to accomplish considering our consumerist lifestyle in the U.S., but we’ve come up with four things that can really have an impressive impact and make big changes!


Foraging For Mayapples

Mayapple fruits are ripe when they are as yellow as a lemon, and are soft and slightly wrinkled. Their ripening time usually occurs somewhere between mid-July and September


This Small Change Increased Bee Populations by 45%

Scientists in Amsterdam have found ways to help their bee population regain its health. Here’s how to implement some of their methods in your community.

mason jar lights

14 Ways to Repurpose Glass Jars

There is something about glass jars being used other than their intending purpose that makes a smile creep across my face.


Don’t Throw it Away! Five Fruits With Perfectly Edible Peels

Most people don’t realize that fruit peels often contain a higher concentration of nutrients than the fruit itself.

Stack of Compressed Paper Log Briquettes Cutout

Biomass Briquettes: An Alternative Fuel Source Made From Paper

Learning how to make alternative fuel sources using the items you have around is an essential survival skill to learn.

spring veggies

10 Cool Season Plants You Can Grow Today!

Even though the days are still cool, there are some seeds you can start today. Here are some cool-season vegetables and growing tricks for a great harvest.


Five Frugal Ways You Can Cut Back on Your Water Bill

Fortunately there are quite a few ways you can cut back on your water, including a few you may have never considered.

outdoor shower

When it Hits the Fan Most Won’t Be Able to Take a Warm Shower… But Here’s How You Will.

It is important to continue regular hygiene habits during an emergency to prevent sanitation-related diseases. In a pinch, water can be heated outside using a solar vehicle visor. This set up can be used to create an outdoor showering area.

Those who choose to heat their home with wood are becoming fewer and fewer. However, with more interested in a self-sustaining lifestyle and going off the grid, those numbers may begin to rise again.  If you decided to heat your home with wood, there are simply some types of wood that are better to burn in your home.

Be Energy Efficient This Winter. This is the Best Wood To Heat Your Home

Those who choose to heat their home with wood are becoming fewer and fewer. However, with more interested in a self-sustaining lifestyle and going off the grid, those numbers may begin to rise again.  If you decided to heat your home with wood, there are simply some types of wood that are better to burn in your home.