It is vital to take time out of the day to relax. Try some of these productive hobbies to kill extra time. Often your hobby can turn into an additional source of income.
Sustainable Lifestyle
Learn how to reduce your resource consumption and live mindfully for a better future with our sustainable lifestyle resources. Explore our library with information on gardening, homesteading, do-it-yourself projects, repurposing and more to help you live a more sustainable, meaningful lifestyle.
The Crop Yields Found in Vertical Farming Will Blow Your Mind
This vertical farm is what community wide preparedness would like. If our society was serious about sustainability, and reluctant to rely on an aging and vulnerable infrastructure for its needs, greenhouses like this would be everywhere.
The Delicious World Of Edible Hibiscus
Even if you don’t live anywhere near the tropics, chances are there’s an edible hibiscus somewhere near you.
The Dirty Truth About Being Green
It’s refreshing to see a large company beginning to take those initial steps to being a “greener company.” Sunchips has taken those steps and created new plant based packaging that can be broken down in a compost pile. The more food products that can be made out of recyclable or compostable materials, the better off we and our compost piles will be.
The Good and the Ugly: Beneficial Creatures You Need Around Your Garden
There are many beneficial insects and animals for our garden that prefer not to have around. Knowing a little more about your strange neighbors in or near your garden may help you in unexpected ways.
The Incredible Coconut and its Many Uses
Chances are, you pass right by an amazing, versatile, and nutritious item in your local market without giving it much thought – the coconut.
The Re-Purposed Coffee Can
Coffee cans are one of those overlooked everyday items that we see sitting on our counters. But if a person is in a pinch, that coffee can can serve a multitude of purposes. Preppers should start collecting their old coffee cans to use in the Bug out Bags, in their home as well as around their homestead.
The Throwaway Generation
We need to get back to basics. Children are the next generation of parents and if we get it right with the kids then those habits will be passed on, just like they used to be.
The Quick and Easy Way to Make a Fishing Spear
While an ordinary sharpened pole can work well for this task, you’ll be more successful with a four pronged spearfishing pole.