Have We Lost Our Humanity? Social Media Comments About Hurricane Harvey Victims Get Nasty

Tess Pennington | Comments (36) | Reader Views (12978)


As many of you know, I was born and raised in Houston, Texas and let me tell you, those roots run deep. Yes, it is hotter than the hubs of hell there and mosquitos are the size of pterodactyls, but the people are warm and friendly and have always done what they could to help someone in need. I’ve seen this on more than one occasion and all I can conclude is it’s just the Texas way. That’s how I was brought up and for me, that ingrained sense of duty to help those in need has always stayed with me. But it wasn’t just in Texas where I saw this. When 9/11 happened, I watched in pride as countrymen dropped everything to help those affected by the attacks. I saw it when the Fukushima 50 stayed behind to ensure others were out of harm’s way. It wasn’t just a Texan thing, I came to realize it was a human thing.

But have times changed? Have we become so entranced by our own ideologies and cultural division that we are turning our backs on each other? Let me explain.

This weekend, we all watched as Hurricane Harvey hit the coast of Texas with a vengeance. The damage has been so severe and the flooding so widespread that this storm has now been dubbed the “flood of a lifetime.”

In The Prepper’s Blueprint, I wrote how hurricanes are unpredictable in nature and truly one of the most difficult emergencies to prepare for simply because there are so many variables to account for. They can be mild or severe. They cause wind damage, flooding, tornadoes. You can be fully stocked with provisions and then your home is flooded in a matter of minutes because a creek has flooded and all of those provisions are ruined.

Currently, Hurricane Harvey has dumped massive amounts of rainfall in many towns inside and on the outskirts of Houston and affected about a quarter of the Texas population or 6.8 million people in 18 counties. To make matters worse, incessant tornado warnings are keeping Houstonians in a perpetual state of fear.

As well, everyone that I know living in this area prepared as best as they could with the limited warning they received. Many did not evacuate because voluntary or mandatory evacuations were not given by the city. Since Houston was not going to be a direct hit by the hurricane, officials felt that many could hunker down and everyone would be fine. They did not account for Hurricane Harvey turning into a Category 4 hours before it made landfall.  What I can tell you, is as prepared as many were, the storm this size and magnitutde was no match for their preparedness efforts and this can happen. The latest rainfall totals should give you some perspective.

You would think in times such as this, people would see the hell that others are living in and want to help in some capacity. Rather than lending a hand, there are some who choose to sit from the comfort of their homes and make off-handed remarks. In multiple articles on the coverage of Hurricane Harvey, I found comments from readers such as “they deserve what they get because they didn’t evacuate,” or are making political comments in reference to the Hurricane.

Here are some comments from an article at the Washington Post:

And in another Washington Post article, comments said

In this Yahoo article

This isn’t hitting close to home, it’s hitting home

In response to those who are making the above comments, please keep in mind that Texans pay taxes to help with national disasters so when these types of disasters happen in their state, they have every right to request immediate assistance. If national disaster assistance wouldn’t be available, what do you think would happen? Widespread disease, looting, death, and devastation would occur. Do you really want that for someone? Moreover, many of these comments have political overtones. It’s obvious that our country is very divided and there is a lot of bitterness. But political lines cannot be drawn in this type of emergency. By doing so we lose track of what’s important to mankind. I am appalled at the very thought of someone smugly saying how someone doesn’t deserve help and rescue in any type of disaster.

Despite these mean-spirited comments on social media, in true Texas fashion, the communities have bound together. For days I have watched my friends checking on each other through Facebook and social media and making sure everyone was safe, people are taking boats through flooded neighborhoods and risking their lives trying to rescue those in need and take them to safety, as well, people are offering up their homes and businesses for those who are displaced. They are offering food and water to anyone who needs it. It doesn’t matter what nationality, creed, color, or political affiliation they are. If you need help, there are people who want to give it. Simply put, it’s because they care and want to best for their fellow-man.

Moreover, the emergency responders should be commended for their fast acting response. Many haven’t slept in days because of the overwhelming need for assistance. As well, because the city cannot keep up with the need for emergency assistance, good Samaritan are coming from near and far to help those in need.

Rather than spending time making these crass comments on the internet, here’s a novel idea, why don’t you do something proactive and help another human being. Organize a donation center for the victims of this disaster. For instance, many of you have seen a nursing home in Dickinson, TX had to evacuate the elderly. Supplies and donations could be sent there or you could make a donation to the American Red Cross to help with the rescue endeavors they are pursuing. There is so much more we can be doing than turning our backs to those in need. We should all be asking ourselves what has happened to humanity? How have we gotten so far away from caring for those in need? Instead of doing what we can to help we sit and make comments about how they don’t deserve help? We are better than that.

To sum this up, folks, please be sensitive and mindful of what others are going through. Some people are losing everything they have from this storm. My family is battling this storm and in the midst of fighting to save their homes, they are offering refuge to those in need. Let’s all take a lesson from that. Have open and caring hearts and remember that during these times we need to bind together and help our countrymen, not turn our back on them.


Stay strong Texas!

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Aug 28, 2017

36 thoughts on “Have We Lost Our Humanity? Social Media Comments About Hurricane Harvey Victims Get Nasty”

  1. It is my firm belief that social media has been the downfall of America. People no longer have to be accountable for what they say, AND they don’t even bother to do their research!
    And even worse is that most of the parents of kids still living at home don’t even bother to find out what their children are saying. It’s too much trouble to see how their children are behaving online, AND they want to “respect their child’s privacy”. BULLCRAP! Find out how your child conducts him/herself online! Many of those parents would be aghast at what they discover!
    Now add in the truly rude and offensive people, and social media has grabbed America by the stacking swivel and dragged her down to the depths of depravity!
    Ever notice how the more news reports on deaths and demented, violent actions the more they seem to happen?!?!

    1. Sadly, these aren’t children, but adults that are making these comments. Unfortunately, they are procreating, and this is the example their children will follow.

    2. You are so right, Lady Patriot. Social Media by it’s very nature is an artificial, double edged tool for communication these days. It is dehumanizing. That said, it can be used for good, or bad causes. I used to think that many of these people wouldn’t be so rude in the same room, but in recent years, I’ve had to rethink this. I observe the MSM (and certain political figures) fueling the fire (race riots, ect…) and the fight gets taken out in social media and the streets. We need to recognize the common enemy that is polarizing common citizens, if we have to courage to face it. This country needs to relearn MANNERS and go back to polite discourse if we are to survive.

  2. If you look for hate, you will find it online. If you look for Love and Compassion, you will find that too. This article is pure garbage journalism. Fking pathetic.

    1. Well good for you NonYo Business may you find the same compassion when your time comes! Or rather someone take pity on you and help you anyway.

  3. 1/3 of people want to tear everything apart, 1/3 of the people want to restore the First Principles and 1/3 of don’t even know what day of the week it is ~ pretty much been that way for the last sixty years. Stay strong, pray and maintain a 360 ~ 24/7 awareness!

  4. I got an email from Mercy Chefs yesterday, a charity I support when I can. They have been asked to be the primary feeding station in Rockport, which was pretty much wiped off the map, and they are also setting up a major feeding station in Houston, expected to prepare some 10,000 hot meals a day. They were asking for donations and when I checked, I only had $14 on my debit card until I get my VA disability later this week. I sent them $13, and plan to send them more on Friday. Not much, but figured they could use it more than me. Was embarrassed that was all I had to send but have had some MAJOR medical expenses this month and drained the account. I live less than 100 miles west of the effects of the storm, and could easily see, There but for the grace of God goes I.
    Yes, I think there were bad decisions made on some areas, but time enough to deal with that later. The thing to do now is to help those who need the help now, and worry about pointing fingers and laying blame when people are back on their feet. God bless America and God bless Texas!!

    1. You gave all you had, just like the poor widow in the Bible who gave two copper coins. Jesus was more pleased with her than he was with the rich who gave what they wouldn’t miss.


    1. Sorry, I really get fucking sick and tired of hearing Jews blamed for everything. Your statement is about as ridiculous as they come. Statements like yours make me want to become a head banger.

      1. And i get REALLY sick and tired of people that refuse to use civilized language. Bang your head. Maybe you’re brain will shift.

      2. Just remember that anyone who says shit like this online are either a very small minority of people suffering from mental illness and shills.

      3. “Zios” means “Zionists”, NOT Jews. Israel is a Zionist state, created by the House of Rothschild, and associated international bankers. They call Israel a “Jewish state”, so they can hide behind Jewish people, and use them as scapegoats. The “Protocols of Zion” explain how they deliberately create anti-Semitism towards their “lesser brethren” (regular Jewish people), for those purposes. Jews are not the enemy – Sabbatean/Frankists, Lubivitchers, Zionists, Jewish supremacists, and satanists (they are all satanic) control the planet – not “Jews”. Blaming Jewish people is exactly what they want you to do, and conflating Zionists with Jews is a sure way to demonize them!

      1. Good! You’re learning!!! And better yet, you’re telling it like it is!!!! My work is done here……LOL!!!

  6. I agree with LadyPatriot, except sometimes it is the parents doing the mouthing off. We have become a nation of people who pop off their mouths over every single little thing that happens, never take the time to think about both sides. This once compassionate nation is losing itself. And these people who think it is the fault of those living in Houston, that they should have done this, should have done that, should a, could a, need to look back on their own lives to see how many times they have done something or didn’t do something and needed a helping hand. I doubt if they have any room to talk.

  7. My prayers and contributions go out to all those hurt by this incredible storm. But one now of caution. Please do not waste your money on the Red Cross. After 9/11 and many times since the corporate big wigs took huge multi-milion dollar bonuses because of all the extra money they had received. I would rather my donation goes to those who need it not the crooks that are at the top of the American Red Cross. Please, Please find another way to help. Send your donations to local charities that will help those who need it most.

  8. I’m guessing there are many like me, a silent majority, that are weeping as we watch this unfold. The best we can do is pray. And repent. Judgement is coming to America. Soon enough we all will be suffering. Please know that for every idiot (that is so bold in their anonymity) Yah will mete out their just reward.

  9. Mary Eileen Gardner

    The WP is a Liberal rag so seeing these comments are nothing new. Since Texas is a RED State it comes as no surprise that the readers would make negative comments.

  10. George of the Jungle

    Do NOT send donations to the Red Cross!! If you want your money to go the actual victims and not to the administrators of the charity (e.g like in Red Cross) donate directly to the local churches and other local aid agencies in the Houston area. When you donate to Red Cross less than half of that money goes to actually helping people.

  11. Wonderful that Texans can help each other like that: after Katrina, FEMA wouldn’t allow the armada of private boats to help rescue people. They also confiscated guns after Katrina, and I don’t think Texans are going to like having their guns confiscated..!

  12. Don’t people realize that MOST of the ‘divisive’ (Anti-American) ‘hate’ crap on social media are bought & paid for BOTS??? Just like the FAKE ‘news’ (Corp Media)…..it’s all bought & paid for Anti-American bullshit; it’s not reality. (same goes for BLM, Antifa, KKK, & AltRight) ALL FAKE!!

  13. pharmerdavid I’m so glad you left this link and explained a little of what Weatherwar101 is about. I was going to leave a link but you did instead.

  14. Hard to believe people would talk like that. I have never been to Texas but see the need of these people. Many have lost everything. And as for flood insurance, it is very expensive and some people can’t afford it. Either way it is not about us it is about people helping people. Many of these people will go through a lot worse before it is over. We here in VA are taking up collection of clothing, diapers and other personal items to be carried to Texas by one of the churches here. This is what God would want us to do. Help each other not hate and sarcastic remarks. It could be you that write bad comments of those that are hurting that need the help. Something to think about.

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