Oil Pulling: An Ancient Technique For SHTF Dental Care

Survival Sherpa | Comments (0) | Reader Views (1925)

Do you kiss your mama with that mouth!?

Ever let one slip over at grandma’s house and have to wash your mouth out with soap? It was her attempt to exercise that foul language from your soul.

I’ve posted several times on the health benefits of coconut oil. Here and here. Just when I think coconut oil has reached its maximum usefulness, I discover Oil Pulling.

Oil Pulling: An Ancient Technique For SHTF Dental Care

Oil pulling has nothing to do with vehicle maintenance. Interestingly enough, this technique is similar to changing the motor oil in an engine. I started the ancient (bazaar to me) practice of oil pulling about two weeks ago. I’ll give you my take on its effectiveness (two weeks of anecdotal evidence) and a little research before you’re tempted to file this in the “Snake Oil” folder.

In DRG’s battle with cancer, preventive medicine has become a priority for us. Oil pulling is my latest journey searching for non-pharmaceutical methods of healing and health.

History of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian folk remedy dating back thousands of year from Ayurveda medicine. Many claim it’s healing effects, both for teeth and gums, and the entire body. We can trace the modern practice of oil pulling to Dr. F. Karach, MD who introduced the technique in 1992. He claims that oil pulling cured his chronic blood disorder and arthritis.

After reading Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article on oil pulling, I was intrigued. I follow his how-to suggestions.

Oil pulling is simple. Basically, it involves rinsing your mouth with coconut oil, much like you would with a mouthwash. The oil is “worked” around your mouth by pushing, pulling, and drawing it through your teeth for a period of 15 minutes…This process allows the oil to “pull out” bacteria, viruses, fungi and other debris. The best time is in the morning before eating breakfast, but it can be done at any time, the important point is to just do it. I seek to do it twice a day if my schedule allows. The used oil is discarded and your mouth rinsed with water. You should not swallow the oil because it’s loaded with bacteria, toxins, pus, and mucous. [Emphasis mine]

I especially like the whole idea of ridding my mouth of pusbefore DRG plants a wet one on me! Totally nasty, right. It’s too early to see the effects on my oral health. I can report that my teeth and gums “feel” better, cleaner. I’ve also noticed my sinuses completely clear after pulling. Is this just in my mind or does this stuff work? I guess I should make my once a decade dental appointment to get checked out. Seriously. My last visit was to have my impacted wisdom teeth removed in 2004. Oil pulling could push the frequency of dental visits to every 20 years I’m hoping.

The technique makes sense. When I change the oil in our vehicles, the previously clean oil has turned black from pulling out all the engine gunk hiding in the dark crevices of the motor. Sucking and swishing oil (oil has to be used to bind the nasties) between my teeth uses the same principle.

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Lead or Fluoride

Why not just use a fluoride mouthwash? When I first started buying investment properties, I had to give every tenant a CYA brochure on the dangers of lead paint if the house was built before 1977. Apparently, allowing your child to eat the peeling lead-laced paint chips off the wall is a bad idea. Who knew?

Stating the obvious, government officials said eating lead is quite harmful. The same I’m-from-government-and-here-to-help crowd crowed about the importance of fluoride treatment for oral health despite studies showing this chemical to be more toxic than lead. Hum, which to eat – lead or fluoride? I’ll take unleaded, thank you.

Oil pulling shouldn’t replace regular brushing with a non-fluoride toothpaste and flossing (which I never do with string floss). My flossing method is achieved via wooden toothpicks. I floss with the shredded wood fibers. It’s more of a habit I kept from childhood. Oil pulling should only enhance my efforts.

It’s also important to quite eating processed junk foods and refined sugars. Oil pulling/swishing is now part of my SHTF dental plan. Its cheap and is beneficial to more than oral health.

How To Getting Started

You can use any veggie oil. Finally, a healthy use for hydrogenated vegetable oils. Just remember not to swallow. I prefer coconut oil. Every morning, I wake up and brew a pot of coffee. When its ready, I add some organic heavy whipping cream and a spoon of coconut oil to my cup of Joe. This has nothing to do with oil pulling. I just like CO in my coffee.

Oil Pulling: An Ancient Technique For SHTF Dental Care and Overall Health

Next, I place a spoon full of coconut oil in my mouth. Do this without eating or drinking anything before hand. It takes a few seconds to melt since CO’s melting point is 76 degrees. I chew it up to speed the process. I sit down to do my daily routine on the computer – while swishing and pulling the oil around in my mouth for about 20 minutes. After checking email, responding to comments, and reading an article from LRC orSurvivalBlog, its time to spit out the disgusting pus-filled, bacteria, virus laden liquid in the kitchen sink. If you’re afraid of stopping up your drain lines, discard it in the trashcan. Of course, you won’t notice any visible nasties in the discarded spittle.

I wash my mouth out with water and go back to my coffee. I’ve read where it’s recommended to go ahead and brush you teeth at this point. Being up several hours before DRG, I don’t have to talk to anyone when I’m pulling oil through my teeth. You understand, talking with a mouth full of oil is not an option.

Oil pulling offers more than just oral health benefits according to experts. “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire” doesn’t necessarily apply. But there’s lots of smoke in the air surrounding oil pulling. Below are a few more links to help you investigate further.

  • Detoxification: Read here, and here.
  • Cleansing: I’ve experience a noticeable clean feeling in my mouth after each session. My sinuses are also relieved of congestion. If using coconut oil, Streptococcus bacteria, which causes plaque, tooth decay and gum disease, is inhibited.
  • Immunity builder

Read oil pulling testimonials.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jan 26, 2015

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