Preppers are Crazy, Gun Fanatics, Doomers, Fear Mongerers, and Delusionally Disconnected From Reality

Tess Pennington | Comments (7) | Reader Views (3878)


It baffles me that after all the press that Survivalism, Survivalist Lite, Preppers (and whatever name we want call our passion for preparedness) has gotten lately, there are still people out there that scoff and laugh at prepper’s elevated concern for approaching emergencies.  Recently, on a trip I was taking, I told a man about my website and what I write about.  After telling him, I then held my breath awaiting his reaction.  It’s not good.  I got “the look,” and then the guy started making jokes about my heightened sense of paranoia and my lack of faith.    

I was laughed at by someone who believed the picture painted by the press.  We all know the picture: We are all involved in a militia with guns in every room. I knew it was re-education time just by the look on the guys face the minute I told him I was a prepper.  He started trying to set me up for jokes and began asking me questions about my political affiliation.  I was then asked if I am a “tea bagger,” and of course, the most popular questions: if I am a member of a militia, and if I think the world is going to end.  Inside I am saying to myself, ” Le sigh, here we go again!”

Prepper Pride

Many of us will come face to face with people who do not understand why we prepare, and because they are easily led, will only continue to paint preppers in a negative light.  Honestly, I am very open about prepping and look forward to people asking me questions because I know that they are curious.  Each time I am confronted, I use it as an opportunity to change some of the prejudices and stereotypes out there regarding preppers and survivalists.  I believe in freedom through self reliance, I believe in rising from the ashes when an emergency occurs and not relying on the government to take care of me.  And I will continue doing so despite the persisting jokes.

Plant the Seed

If you are wondering what happened at the end of my conversation with the guy who was laughing at me — I converted him to a prepper and we went out that day to get survival gear for him and year supply of food.  Just kidding.  But I do think I planted a seed.  I could see that I sparked a chord in him, just by his body language he was taking in what I was trying to convey.  Planting the seed is all I try and do, the rest is up to them.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Aug 18, 2010

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7 thoughts on “Preppers are Crazy, Gun Fanatics, Doomers, Fear Mongerers, and Delusionally Disconnected From Reality”

  1. Since 1974 people have looked at me like I’m from another planet–such is life! If they only knew how much of their tax dollars were spent by government officials to protect themselves from scarcity and want. Their outrageous health plan is the tip of the iceberg of provisioning they have secured!
    However, enough other people have understood and done something positive to become interested or have prepared in some manner that it makes it all worth it!
    After all, having too much food is a problem you can eat you way out of…!

    Keep on preppin’–you are responsible for yourself and your family.

    Doctor Prepper

  2. Thank goodness you didn’t stop prepping or many of us would be left without the huge knowledge source you provide! 

    All we can do is plant the seed and hope that it takes.  Thankfully, many are finally starting to wake up and see the need to prepare.  Even preparing for small scale emergencies is a step in the right direction!


  3. I am glad to see folks waking up,better late than never!
    I myself grew up on a farm and started this self reliant life in the 70s when all the back to the landers were around…then it got to be kinda lonely in this lifestyle but despite being called a crazy ole hippy rebel I kept doing it and learning new ways of doing things…now I know for sure if it blows up I and mine can make it through.
    I do my best to teach others about being ready for anything,folks seem more receptive today than 10-15 years ago. I am very involved in fighting things like NAIS(animalID) GMO and stupidity like SB 510
    I raise most of what I eat and help others out some too so I know we wont starve,all them canned goods from the garden sure look “purty” on the shelves! Keep up the good work!

  4. Let me start by saying I am also a prepper. But i do feel something doesn’t feel right between me and my family and friends after I told them I was a prepper. I suppose they think of me as being crazy. I even googled “are preppers crazy” just to do a really check, so you you can say I’m becoming really concerned with some issues that becoming a prepper as posed me.

    I will not give up being a prepper, I’m proud to know my close family will be prepared for a shtf situation, but really don’t know how to deal with family and friends that try to make me feel like I’m just paranoid and crazy… I think they just need to wake up by themselves, cause I will keep being a prepper.

    Bookmarked 😉

    1. @ Maria,
      I think you and I can both agree that prepping has changed our lives. Now that I see the logic in it, I will NEVER stop prepping. Anyone who is different from a group will always be called out for that difference. My advice to you is to ignore the comments and keep doing what you are doing. There is a reason for you to be pulled in the direction of prepping, so trust your instincts. When the time comes, they will wake up to the realization that you were right all along. And luckily, you may be able to help some of them by teaching them skills, showing them which foods are best to store for long term, what to eat when there is no food, etc.. Because I have such a large family, my entire “charity” section of food and supplies is going to my extended family. Even though they talk about me behind my back, I will have their backs when the time comes. That’s what family’s do – they stick together.

      Just remember that you’re ahead of the game and they don’t see that yet. Don’t give up or get discouraged, just laugh it off.


  5. Last week I could not believe how many Sam’s employees and customers asked me about the Augason Farms “One Month Box” in the cart. It opened a dialogue with several people and we made new friends!

  6. I too get the “looks” when I speak to my family about prepping. So instead of trying to make a point with my mother, I ask her, “What would grandma do?” She has no choice but to say…”the same thing your doing.” I thank my mother almost daily for teaching me how to sew, can, preserve meats, bake, and many other self-reliant skills. I currently live on SSI and it is hard to prep with a limited income, but I am able to do it. I also go to a community college for additional skills along with their required degree classes. The classes I take additionally are like, electricity AC/DC, human biology, chemistry, nutrition, and others.

    I am proud to be a prepper, and thank God for wonderful grandparents who taught me so much before they passed. I am writting an essay on the different movements in America, such as, the hippy movements of the 70’s, survivalist of the 80’s, the militia’s of the 90’s, the Y2K’ers of the 2000’s and now the Preppers. In reality all these movements were for the same base freedoms; freedom from government entitlements (which I hate being on), freedom from so many regulations, freedom to choose what you want to eat, and freedom from terrany. 

    I thank all of you for the wonderful information and tutilage. I am learning many things my grandmother or mother could not. I am on the road to becoming self-reliant in many ways. Thank you 

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