Welcome to week 2 of our 52 Weeks to Preparedness which focuses on finding cost-effective ways to get you prepared for disasters. This week, we are going to focus on investing in basic hardware items. One aspect about preparedness you need to understand is the more you plan, the better off you will be. In an emergency, plan on needing tools, these will simplify an already stressful situation and you will be happy they are near by.
There are a lot of preppers who boast saying all they need is their knife to get them through an emergency. Folks, this just isn’t so. Having tools on hand in an emergency can help you reinforce your home, help you board up windows or in a true shtf-emergency, help you rebuild your life. Simply put, we need tools and we are going to start with your most basic items. Because this is such a crucial section in preparedness, in later weeks, we will add additional hardware items to the list to build upon what we get this week. Our focus for now is to lay a foundation for the tools you will need in a short-term emergency.
At Ready Nutrition, we are big proponents on layering our preparedness supplies. Therefore, it is important to have essential tools not only for the home, but it would be in your best interest to pack yourself up a small tool kit for your vehicle as well. That way, all your bases are covered.
A Person is Only as Good as Their Tools
A good rule of thumb when planning for emergencies is that a person is only as good as their tools. Good, quality tools are a sound investment and can last a lifetime if they are properly cared for. As well, they can be the very thing that helps us evacuate safely, protect ourselves and aid in rescue efforts. When purchasing hardware items, take time to read online product and customer reviews before you make an investment. Many of these items are low cost and can easy be purchased at hardware times or even on Amazon
It’s important to have basic hand tools in order to:
- evacuate safely
- protect ourselves and our property
- Aid in search and rescue efforts
- Live in an off-grid/survival situation
- Repair damaged shelters and other structures
While power tools may be more time efficient, in an off-grid emergency, they will not do you any good if they don’t work. For now, let’s focus on those basic tools that can work in off-grid environments
Many good tools can be found in your local hardware store or home improvement stores. As well, check out garage and estate sales. Sometimes, you can get a complete set of tools for a serious discounted price. The list below is not comprehensive, but will be the very beginning items for your preparedness supplies.
Preps to Buy for Week 2:
- 33-gallon garbage can or- a sturdy storage box to hold disaster supplies
- Protective eye wear
- Rechargeable batteries
- Hand-crank flashlight for each member of household that is over the age of 6. (Don’t forget extra batteries for the flashlights). Flashlights should also be purchased for each car, as well.
- Hammer Crowbar
- Wood saw
- Ax
- Paracord
- Shovel
- Cordless drill
- Matches
- Work gloves
- Adjustable wrench
- Bic lighter and matches – to be stored in a waterproof container
- Multitool (Here are some our favorites)
- For furry friends, purchase a leash or pet carrier and an extra set of I.D. tags
Action Items:
- Check to see what tools you may already have. Most people possess some or all of the basics (hammers, shovels and lights).
- Gather the items you have and begin to organize your shtf tool kit.
- Make a shopping list of other items needed to complete your tool kit.
- Check out online resources, home improvement stores, discount stores, etc.
Next week, we will start taking the first steps in creating a well-rounded medical supply. If you want to jump ahead, check out the complete 52-Weeks to Preparedness lists or purchase the best-selling book it was based around, The Prepper’s Blueprint.
This is a wonderful website I have just stumbled upon. I am just now strating my prepping and have one question if you don’t mind. What would the heavy rope be used for? I don’t want to have supplies on hand that I have no clue what to use them for. Sorry if this seems like a silly question.
To hang ourselves with when the commies come!! Ha. Actually, you’d never believe how many uses you’d have for it if your house broke in half from an earthquake, etc…. in short do indeed get some!
Rope’s pretty handy to have; In an earthquake, flood, or many other times, you could use a strong heavy rope to rescue others, get people safely up or down a cliff, get water from a well etc., tons of uses. I was in a Search and Rescue group for quite a while and when a team member turned their ankle, used my 40 foot rope to help them get back to the vehicle, we were in the deep woods with shale cliffs, hard enough without a hurt ankle, to get around.
Myself, I’d toss in a big roll of black 8-mil plastic sheeting to that list, usable for shelter, to seal a broken window, for privacy, but then I live in the Pacific Northwest where we get “a little” rain 🙂
I would also add baling wire to the list. Can be found at farm supply stores, cheap, and endless uses. Strong, but still can be wrapped around broken handles and such by hand. Can even be “cut” by hand just by bending back and forth in the same place multiple times.
wire used to tie rebar is cheap and strong..get it at the home depot in large rolls (about the size of a roll of duct tape)
We are getting a lot of paracord instead. It is lighter but very strong. Is it an acceptable substitute?
Yes, paracord is an excellent choice and has many uses!
you should also consider changing out all your old incandecant bulb flashlights with l.e.d. flashlights..the batteries last alot longer and don’t quit working when you drop them ( maglites with regular bulbs had a spare bulb in a foam holder in the end cap for a good reason..drop the light..break the bulb!!!)
Zip ties are pretty handy to have around too.
I’m new to prepping but I like the concept of 52-Weeks to Preparedness! Small, doable action lists break up the very many steps needed to be fully prepared. Thank you!
However, the question I have is the need for the 32-gal. garbage can. It seems like a pretty large container for the materials that are listed to be gathered. I realize a “sturdy storage box” is also listed as an alternative, I guess I’m just wondering how much of each item you’re recommending to accumulate? Are we actually filling up this garbage can?! Thanks! And thanks for the help and great information.
Hi Rich,
The trashcan or storage box (your choice) will be used to fill up items for this week and additional weeks of suggested preparedness items.
Thanks again for your kind words and I’m glad you are enjoying the 52 Weeks program.
That trash can could also be used as a toiet. After that hurricane hit the east coast some people were using the hallway to deposit waste. Suppose it could be buried out in the yard and covered with plywood. Though not ideal it could be used to store/collect water.
A 5 gallon bucket would be easier to use and empty as a toilet than a trash can. A trash can could be used to empty your 5 gallon toilet into, along with cat litter, saw dust, or other product to cover the waste and the odor.
Right on. A 5 gal. bucket works much better than a big trash can. Also, a comode seat will fit on a 5 gal. but not a 32 gal. can
The link to the “emergency kit” isn’t working, what is it referring to?
I’m also new to prepping and love that you’ve made this step by step guide. It makes it much less daunting for me! Thanks!
Also in regards to the comments about buckets above, camping stores make a toilet seat for a 5-gallon bucket, my husband uses one for hunting trips. It’s handy!
Hi Britt,
Sorry about that link issue – it’s fixed now, or you can just click on this link for information on 72 hour kits
We purchased a camping toilet also and it works great. When we use it, we add some kitty litter to the bottom to absorb and deodorize.