How to Make a Powerful Bow in Your Garage for $15

Joshua Krause | Comments (4) | Reader Views (8888)

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One of the benefits of archery is that in the long run, it’s not a very expensive hobby. Unlike firearms, you don’t need to spend an arm and a leg on ammunition to maintain your proficiency. And since bows aren’t as loud or destructive as firearms, there’s a good chance that you won’t need to pay to visit an archery range unless you live in the city. Your backyard would be sufficient for that.

However, there can be some steep up front costs. Still not as bad as the cost of a firearm in most cases, but a really high quality bow can you set you back. If you’re just starting to get interested in archery and you’re not sure if you want to commit to those costs, check out the video below. It’ll show you how to make a very powerful and effective bow with little more than PVC, paracord, and driveway markers.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Mar 30, 2016

4 thoughts on “How to Make a Powerful Bow in Your Garage for $15”

  1. With strong duct tape, a sturdy broomstick and a big sharp kitchen knife, you can make a deadly spear (hand weapon) in no time, keep it save under the bed for night intruders. A strong crossbow would be ideal for defence at a greater distance (my country doesn’t allow for fire arms, but who cares with our open borders).

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