There are two types of it, virgin and refined. The latter is usually used for cooking or other applications and doesn’t even remotely taste akin to a coconut. It is the former, the virgin coconut oil that you are looking for regarding consumption. The primary difference between the two types lies in the extraction method; although each method involves pressing, the refined also adds heat to extract the oil. When this is done, a host of impurities come out into the oil that lead it to be further refined.
How Effective is Coconut Oil?
It is an excellent emollient and can be used very easily and safely on the skin. When used in the care of hair, it can help the hair to retain protein/suffer less protein loss. The oil is high in saturated fats; which doctors proclaim can lead to cardiovascular disease. The health benefits far outweigh any claimed risks. Coconut oil helps with digestion and immune system function, as it is anti-fungal and anti-microbial. It is also an anti-oxidant, helping to guard the body’s cells against free radicals, that oxidize and destroy the cellular tissues and are a large component of aging.
Some of the components of coconut oil such as lauric, capric, and caprylic acids help with fighting microorganisms. As a matter of fact, coconut oil fights yeast infections, such as Candida albicans that usually develop from unrestrained and uncontrolled growth in the human stomach. The essential fatty acid in coconut oil counteract the harmful effects of packaged and processed foods that lead to these yeast infections found primarily in the nations of Northern Europe and North America. These geographical areas have cold weather and damp conditions that when combined with the particular eating habits and lifestyles of peoples living in them, contributes to a rise in the incidence of yeast infections.
There is an organization known as the Coconut Research Center that has determined the effectiveness of coconut oil and its components in defeating a host of different illnesses, such as influenza, SARS, herpes, and measles, to name a few. Coconut oil helps diabetics with the maintenance of blood sugar levels as well as being a stimulant for the release of insulin by the human pancreas. Athletes can also take advantage of it, as it has fewer calories than comparable oils and thus can be more readily transformed into energy without a buildup of fat in the heart and blood vessels.
Where to Buy Coconut Oil
You can obtain coconut oil virtually anywhere, as it is no longer kept “in the closet” and out of the public view. I have found that Wal-Mart puts out an organic coconut oil that is a few dollars less in price for an equal volume you might find in the health food stores. As in all things to do with natural health, we recommend you speak to your all-knowing, certified, licensed physician prior to undertaking any regimen with coconut oil, and obtain his/her approval.
I try and take about a tablespoon of it a day. Half in the morning goes pretty well with some steel-cut oats, and the other half I just throw in my food and let it melt in…mixing it up with my dinner. Personally I think it sucks when eaten by itself, however, that choice is up to you. I lift a lot of weights, and I find that it is really good for the hands to keep calluses and thicknesses from forming up on my palms. In any event, do your research and learn more about it…life is a learning experience. You will find the benefits far outweigh the claimed drawbacks. Enjoy, and give us some feedback on your experiences with coconut oil. JJ out!
Thank You for this article, but mostly I want to thank you for telling people to eat ORGANIC, which is great. But if they REALLY want to be even MORE healthier, make sure the coconut oil is UNREFINED (will say this in the front), AND/OR Extra Virgin!
I use a tablespoon in most everything I eat. In rice, put a little in the water, right after it boils, and you’ve added the rice. If people don’t like the taste, you can add some to anything, like smoothies, and you won’t taste it. I DO love the taste myself.
For healthy gums and teeth, take a teaspoon or more, and put it in your mouth, and swish it around for as long as you can stand it. Also helps with the pain of a toothache, or where a cavity might be forming. This is because its soothing, but not just that that, it’s anti-everything…anti-bacterial and such. Now after you’ve swished it around for as long as you can, 10 mins max, DO NOT spit it down the sink!! It tends to harden up in your pipes. SPIT IT IN THE TRASH CAN. Also, do not swallow it, as you will be swallowing all the bacteria and those other nasty things you loosened up and you don’t want to do that!
Now I’d like to tell everyone, that if they want to lose weight, here are the things you MUST stop eating and drinking.
1. All sodas
2. All juices
3. All dairy (milk especially) (this includes cheese, butter, ice cream, sour cream, cream cheese, etc
4. Meat
And last but but not least, 95% of everything in the grocery store. But then you say, what is there left to eat?? First, let me explain. Look at the ingredients in your food, and see ALL the products that have that “high fructose CORN syrup” in them. Practically EVERYTHING! About 99% of food in your grocery store has GMO corn in it! And then you have the many crops of GMO soy, and the thousands of food products made with that!
All processed foods (that includes, everything in the freezer, Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, etc) are filled with horrible chemicals, and GMO corn, or soy! THE SYSTEM WANTS YOU HUNGRY SO YOU EAT MORE GMO’s and chemicals, so you get FAT, and sick! ..Look at the ingredients in that Merrita OLD FASHIONED bread!! ..Is there “high fructose corn syrup” in there? There’s your GMO!
What does GMO stand for? Genetically Modified Organism…doesn’t that sound yummy??
If your wondering, well what in the world, is left to eat??
ORGANICS…Everything you eat, or as much as possible, should be ORGANIC.
Yes, some organics are in bed with monsanto (the top leader in this GMO field), so you need to sign up for organic newsletters (which there are many), to find out, which organic companies are selling out. I could name quite a few, if anyone needed some names.
If you eat more ORGANIC fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains, I can promise you, that YOU WILL lose weight. I did, I stopped drinking regular and low fat, and skim millk and ALL dairy, and switched to organic diary, and even learned to make my own almond milk (youtube is a great learning tool!), and I won’t ever look back.
I was 5’4, and 175lbs, and rising. After reading so much, I knew what I had to do. Eat ONLY organic foods and drink ONLY organic drinks. Yes, I slipped up sometimes, but I kept on eating organics, and without hardly even exercising, within a month, my weight fell off… Now I’m down to 125 lbs, and can’t tell you how much BETTER I feel, AND look. Bad part? I had to buy a whole new wardrobe!
So stay away from those diet foods…low fat foods too….and see if eating pure, non-processed, non-chemicalized, non-GMO….ORGANIC food…works for you! If anyone wants the name of a great ONLINE store, that sells wonderful organic products, and gives you free shipping on your first order? Ask me…you’ll love it! I sure do!
Although more and more stores are starting to what people want, and are selling more organics. Even Wal-Mart, and Target are on board! Just look for the USDA Organic round seal on your favorite brand or product!
Dear Joan,
Thank you for your in-depth and productive analysis of the topic. I am glad to see it when people give of themselves and their personal experiences on these matters of natural health. Your words all ring true.
The best thing in life is to do your research and “get your feet wet” regarding holistic and naturopathic health. The “do” portion is just as important as the “know.”
Once again, thank you for your kind words and for sharing your experience. I think it will give some people hope with what they face on their own, as your story is one of true success.
You have a great day, and I hope to hear from you again.
Respectfully Yours,