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Small Sugar Pumpkin – A Great Source Of Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Folate


The most adorable little addition to your garden!

Smooth, sweet, and buttery in texture, our Small Sugar Pumpkins make phenomenal pumpkin pies. But wait — Small Sugar Pumpkins are not just for dessert! You can also bake, roast or puree them to create a savory delight that knocks your socks off. Don’t forget about roasting Small Sugar Pumpkin seeds for a crunchy, nutritious snack!

A great source of vitamin E, vitamin B6, folate and iron, Small Sugar Pumpkins are also low in saturated fat and cholesterol making them a sweet or savory treat that’s good for you, too!

Weight: 5 grams
Count: Approximately 25 – 35 seeds



Small Sugar Pumpkins are lots of fun to grow! Wait until after any danger of frost has passed before you sow your Small Sugar Pumpkin seeds directly into the soil. Plant in a spot where they will receive full sun. Small Sugar Pumpkins are greedy growers, so make sure your soil is rich with compost or aged manure, and plan to feed your pumpkins regularly. Water these thirsty little guys with at least one inch of water per week, especially during fruit set. Small Sugar Pumpkins are ready for harvest between 75 and 100 days. Cut the fruit off the vine using a knife or shears leaving a generous three to four inches of stem. Cure in the sun for about a week to toughen them up so they keep longer, then store in a cool, dry place.