There are many factors to consider on whether to bug in or bug out. In this three part series we will closely examine both sides to help you determine which side is best for your family.
Tess Pennington
Tess Pennington is the author of The Prepper's Blueprint, a comprehensive guide that uses real-life scenarios to help you prepare for any disaster. Because a crisis rarely stops with a triggering event the aftermath can spiral, having the capacity to cripple our normal ways of life. The well-rounded, multi-layered approach outlined in the Blueprint helps you make sense of a wide array of preparedness concepts through easily digestible action items and supply lists.
Tess is also the author of the highly rated Prepper's Cookbook, which helps you to create a plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply and includes over 300 recipes for nutritious, delicious, life-saving meals.
Visit her web site at for an extensive compilation of free information on preparedness, homesteading, and healthy living.
Hearty Hamburger Soup
In an effort to stock up on my pantry meals for the upcoming season, I canned this delicious soup today. It’s hearty, tasty and my kids can’t get enough of it!
The Art of Self Reliance in 5 Steps
To live a self reliant lifestyle takes time, effort and certain amount of sacrifice to get to the level of preparedness that we want. Here are 5 steps to help you reach this destination.
Bugging Out with Your Data
When you are in a bug out situation, carrying around a bunch of paperwork (along with all of your other gear) is the last thing on your mind. Thanks to the power of technology, you have options for storing and backing up pertinent data.
Homemade Paper Pots
Newspapers are typically used to add carbon rich materials to the compost pile, but they can also be used to plant seeds in. Newspaper pots are a cost effective and natural way to add nutrients to the garden and plant your garden at the same time.
Prepping with Physical Limitations
Some of us have some sort of debilitation that limits us from full physical activity. Recognizing our physical weaknesses and figuring out how to make things work despite those limitations will be vital to our survival.
Preparedness Rap Videos: Prepare to Be Entertained
Using music as a form of education has successfully been used in schools for countless years and we can use it as a tool to teach our kids about preparedness.
5 Short Term Methods to Store Water
We all have holes in our preparedness supplies. Here are five cost effective ways to store water for emergencies.
The 6 Most Popular Types of Fuel to Store for Emergencies
Having emergency fuel sources on hand can be a life saver. Here are the top six fuel sources to consider with emergency planning.
Rookie Preppers: 8 Mistakes To Avoid
Believe me when I say that I have probably made every prepping mistake in the book. It’s time to use these mistakes as learning experiences for those who are just beginning their preparedness efforts.
10 Essential Skills Necessary for Survival
Although it is important to be prepared for disaster situations, many are not adequately trained to handle the disaster situations in which they find themselves in. Having the proper skills and training will provide an individual with a well diversified knowledge base on how to survive during and after a disaster.
10 Ways To Make Your Trash Work For You
Those that are attempting to adopt the homesteading mindset are trying to re-learn the lost knowledge from our agrerian ancestors, as well as trying to find practical ways to save a buck or two. The homesteading mindset is all about re-purposing items we already have in our possession. Finding ways to re-purpose trash can not only make your lifestyle more “green,”, but it can save you money and time as well.